How to Set & Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

32 هزار بار بازدید - 16 سال پیش - Watch more Happy New Year
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Step 1: Start out small
Choose attainable goals. Setting the bar too high only invites failure.

Step 2: Write them down
Write down what you hope to achieve. You may feel silly, but research shows that people who write down their resolutions are more likely to keep them.

Step 3: Go public
Tell everyone your plans. It will help shame you into following through, plus you’ll have your loved ones cheering you on.

Try joining on online support group, especially if your goal is to lose weight— America’s most popular resolution. One study found that those with around-the-clock support lost twice the weight of those who went it alone.

Step 4: Stay positive
Think of your resolution in positive terms. For example, instead of saying, 'I’m not going to smoke anymore,' think, 'I’m getting healthy.'

Step 5: Give it three weeks
Try to stick to your goal for 21 days. Research shows it takes that long to change or break a habit, so if you can hold on for just three weeks, you’ll greatly increase your chance of success.

Step 6: Don’t sweat slipups
If you cheat, forgive yourself and continue on. Don’t make one slipup an excuse to give up altogether.

Did You Know?
According to a survey, procrastination is the number-one reason people don’t keep their New Year’s resolutions, followed by lack of discipline and not having a game plan.
16 سال پیش در تاریخ 1387/08/10 منتشر شده است.
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