Array Data Type in TypeScript - #8 #TypeScriptArrays #ArrayType #TypeScript #WebDevelopment

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What is an Array in TypeScript?
An array in TypeScript is a data structure that allows you to store multiple values in a single variable. It's a list-like object that is homogeneous, meaning all elements in the array are of the same data type.

Declaring an Array in TypeScript
TypeScript offers two syntaxes to declare an array:

Using square brackets (Array literal):

typescript code:
let list: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
Using a generic array type (ArrayT):

typescript code:
let list: Arraynumber = [1, 2, 3];
Why Use Arrays in TypeScript?
Arrays are useful for holding data that belongs together. Here’s why they are widely used in TypeScript:

Type Safety: TypeScript’s static type checking ensures that all elements of the array are of the specified data type, reducing runtime errors.
Methods and Properties: TypeScript arrays inherit all JavaScript array properties and methods, such as length, push(), pop(), and many others for easy manipulation of data.
Ease of Iteration: Arrays can be easily iterated over with loops or array methods like forEach(), map(), filter(), etc.
Examples of Array Operations
Here are some basic operations you might perform with arrays in TypeScript:

Adding elements:
typescript code:
list.push(4); // Adds "4" to the end of the list
Removing elements:

typescript code:
list.pop(); // Removes the last element
Iterating over elements:

typescript code:
list.forEach((item) = {
Transforming elements:

typescript code:
let squares = = x * x); // Creates a new array of squares
Advanced Array Techniques
Tuple types: For arrays with a fixed number of elements where elements do not necessarily have the same type, you can use tuples:

typescript code:
let tuple: [string, number];
tuple = ["hello", 10]; // OK
Read-only arrays: To ensure arrays cannot be modified after creation:

typescript code:
let ro: ReadonlyArray number = [1, 2, 3];
Arrays in TypeScript are powerful and versatile, providing robust tools and methods to manage collections of data efficiently. By leveraging TypeScript's features, you can ensure more reliable and maintainable code.

This should give you a strong foundation in understanding and using arrays in TypeScript. If you need more specific details or examples, feel free to ask!

Chapter :
00:00 Introduction
00:34 Syntax
00:42 Accessing Elements in Array
00:49 Modifying Arrays
01:13 Array Methods
01:31 Iterating Over Arrays
02:02 Type Safety
02:16 Summery

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Everyday Be coding
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