
166.4 هزار بار بازدید - پارسال - 【關於原料/About】 除了水泥砂漿外,目前市面上幾乎找不到能夠簡單且有效修補「天花板、牆面膨拱(裂開隆起)」的原料。 即使是聘請專業泥作師傅團隊,他們仍然都還是使用水泥砂漿來填補,不僅工資高昂,保固年限不長外,手藝好且有良心的師傅更是愈來愈難找到,對於一般沒有居家修繕經驗的人來說,想要自行動手DIY更是難上加難。 本產品專門為了能自行補平牆面膨拱而研發。有別於一般傳統水泥砂漿,能提供不易垂流、抵擋地震撕扯的軟Q彈性、卓越的防水能力、強力附著於光滑表面、快速乾燥,並能承受高濃度酸鹼溶劑侵蝕,目前市面上並無類似的原料。 Except
【關於原料/About】 除了水泥砂漿外,目前市面上幾乎找不到能夠簡單且有效修補「天花板、牆面膨拱(裂開隆起)」的原料。 即使是聘請專業泥作師傅團隊,他們仍然都還是使用水泥砂漿來填補,不僅工資高昂,保固年限不長外,手藝好且有良心的師傅更是愈來愈難找到,對於一般沒有居家修繕經驗的人來說,想要自行動手DIY更是難上加難。 本產品專門為了能自行補平牆面膨拱而研發。有別於一般傳統水泥砂漿,能提供不易垂流、抵擋地震撕扯的軟Q彈性、卓越的防水能力、強力附著於光滑表面、快速乾燥,並能承受高濃度酸鹼溶劑侵蝕,目前市面上並無類似的原料。 Except for cement mortar, there are almost no raw materials on the market that can simply and effectively repair "ceiling and wall bulging (cracking and bulging)". Even hire professional team construction, they still use cement mortar to fill it. Not only expensive, the warranty period is very short, and it is becoming more and more difficult to find good craftsmen and conscientious masters. For those who do not have a home repair experience, DIY is even more difficult. This product is specifically for repairing the wall bulging by self. It is different from the general traditional cement mortar, provide anti earthquake, high flexibility, excellent waterproof, strong adhesion to smooth surfaces, quick drying, and to resist the erosion of acid-base solvent. 【產品特色/Feature】 1.水性配方,無刺鼻氣味,操作與收尾輕鬆方便,無石灰成分,不傷手; 2.隨開即用,免自行攪拌、混合或調配,原料沒用完仍可保存一年; 3.極高附著力,本身具備優越防水效能,同時抵擋強酸、強鹼侵蝕; 4.乾後保有彈性,可抵擋劇烈溫差變化、紫外線與地震拉扯; 5.操作工具簡單且容易取得,7~70歲都會操作。 1. Water-based formula, no pungent smell, very simple operation and finishing, no lime component and no skin irritation. 2. Ready to use immediately after opening, without mixing and blending by yourself, can be stored for one year if they are not used up. 3. High adhesion, excellent waterproof performance, and resist strong acid and alkali corrosion. 4. Remains elastic after drying, can withstand severe temperature changes, ultraviolet rays and earthquake pull. 5. The required tools are easy to obtain, and can be operated by the age of 7 to 70. 【使用說明/Application】 請將準備要處理的牆面進行清潔,剷除鬆脫水泥塊並以濕抹布清除粉塵,特別是汙垢、灰塵、砂土、油漬或發霉等皆請先徹底清理。接著取用本產品直接填補於凹陷處並抹平即可。 Use a scraper to remove loose concrete first and clear the dust, dirt, sand, oil and mold with a wet rag completely. Then take this product and fill it directly in the depression and smooth it. 【操作注意事項/Precautions】 1.盡可能敲除鬆脫水泥塊,敲除過程請注意自身、旁人與家具設備安全防護; 2.敲除後使用毛刷、空氣噴槍等清理粉塵; 3.使用鏝刀、刮刀等工具挖取原料,牆面噴點水後壓上去,以增加附著力; 4.用力壓上去後要將鏝刀、刮刀輕轉幾下並向旁邊橫向拉走,以免原料脫落; 5.逐次增加塗布範圍,每次都需要搭上原來已塗抹範圍的1/4~1/3以上; 6.接著可以逐次增加厚度,方式如前述第3~第5點; 7.最大厚度勿超過3cm,太深的洞需要多次填補,以免整塊掉落白做工; 8.工具難以操作的畸零角和凹陷深洞,可用手挖取原料用手指塞入; 9.完全乾燥時間和塗布厚度及環境溫溼度有關; 10.少於3cm深度的坑洞,可於6小時後繼續下一步驟; 11.沒有用力將原料壓緊,或是原料填塗抹得不夠,完全乾燥後表面可能出現少許裂痕,只要使用「高附著填縫封壁泥」填平即可; 12.操作過程中掉落的原料不要丟棄,可收集回容器中攪拌一下繼續使用; 13.填補過程在坑洞邊緣可能會與原牆面不平整,可用濕抹布加以抹平; 14.完成後若仍感覺有些許不平整,可用「超抗裂彈性防水泥」抹平; 15.本產品乾燥後質地軟Q有彈性抗地震拉扯,不得視為可取代水泥砂漿之原料。 1. Try to knock out loose cement blocks, please pay attention to the safety protection of yourself, others and furniture during the process. 2. Use a brush, air spray gun, etc. to clean up the dust after knocking out the cement blocks. 3. Use a trowel or a scraper to dig out the raw materials, spray some water on the wall, and press the raw materials up hard to increase the adhesion. 4. After pressing it up, turn the trowel or scraper lightly a few times and pull it sideways to prevent the raw material from falling off. 5. Increase the coating range step by step, and each time you need to cover more than 1/4~1/3 of the original coating range. 6. Then you can apply it multiple times to increase the thickness, in the same way as the aforementioned points 3 to 5. 7. The maximum thickness should not exceed 3cm, and holes that are too deep need to be filled many times to avoid the whole piece falling off and working for nothing. 8. For corners and pits that are difficult to operate, you can dig out the raw materials with your fingers, and then insert them slowly and forcefully. 9. The complete drying time is related to the coating thickness and ambient temperature and humidity. 10. For potholes with a depth of less than 3cm, you can continue to the next step after 6 hours. 11. There may be a little cracks on the surface after it is completely dry if it is not pressed hard or the raw material is not applied enough, just use "Flexible Waterproof Putty" to fill it up. 12. Do not discard the raw materials that fall during the operation, they can be collected back into the container and stirred for further use. 13. During the filling process, the edge of the pothole may be uneven with the original wall surface, which can be smoothed with a wet rag. 14. If you still feel a little uneven after the completion, you can use "Ultra Anti cracking Waterproof malleability Putty" to smooth it. 15. The texture of this product is soft, elastic and anti-earthquake. It should not be regarded as a raw material that can replace cement mortar. 【產品名稱/Product Name】 女媧補天膨拱修補彈性砂漿 Repair Wall Bulging Elastic Mortar 若有疑問歡迎致電「0800-881990」,或加入官方社群「LINE@decorMaster」。 If you have any questions, please call "0800-881990", or join the official community "LINE@decorMaster".
پارسال در تاریخ 1402/06/17 منتشر شده است.
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