Hide Secret Text Message Inside Image Using Python | Steganography Tutorial | Cyber Security

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Hide Secret Text Message Inside Image Using Python | Steganography Tutorial | Cyber Security Hello Everyone, In this tutorial I will teach you how to build a Amazing Cyber Security Tool Using Python(step-by-step). What is Steganography ? Steganography is the process of hiding a secret message which is text-based data within non-text files like image file, audio, video file etc. In such a way someone cannot know the presence of a hidden message in a particular file. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SOURCE CODE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ from tkinter import * from tkinter import filedialog,messagebox from PIL import Image,ImageTk import os from stegano import lsb win = Tk() win.geometry('700x480') win.config(bg='black') #Button Function def open_img(): global open_file open_file = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=os.getcwd(), title='Select File Type', filetypes=(('PNG file','*.png'),('JPG file','*.jpg'), ('All file','*.txt'))) img = Image.open(open_file) img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) lf1.configure(image=img) lf1.image=img def hide(): global hide_msg password = code.get() if password == '1234': msg = text1.get(1.0,END) hide_msg = lsb.hide(str(open_file),msg) messagebox.showinfo('Success','Your message is sucessfully hideen in a image,please save your image') elif password == '': messagebox.showerror('Error','Please enter Secret key') else: messagebox.showerror('Error','Wrong Sectret Key') code.set('') def save_img(): hide_msg.save('Secret file.png') messagebox.showinfo('Saved','Image has been successfully saved') def show(): password = code.get() if password == '1234': show_msg = lsb.reveal(open_file) text1.delete(1.0,END) text1.insert(END,show_msg) elif password == '': messagebox.showerror('Error', 'Please enter Secret key') else: messagebox.showerror('Error', 'Wrong Sectret Key') code.set('') #Logo logo = PhotoImage(file='lgo.png') Label(win,image=logo,bd=0).place(x=190,y=0) #Heading Label(win,text='Cyber Security',font='impack 30 bold',bg='black',fg='red').place(x=260,y=12) #Frame 1 f1 = Frame(win,width=250,height=220,bd=5,bg='purple') f1.place(x=50,y=100) lf1 = Label(f1,bg='purple') lf1.place(x=0,y=0) #Frame 2 f2 = Frame(win,width=320,height=220,bd=5,bg='white') f2.place(x=330,y=100) text1 = Text(f2,font='ariel 15 bold',wrap=WORD) text1.place(x=0,y=0,width=310,height=210) Label for Secret Key Label(win,text='Enter Secret Key',font='10',bg='black',fg='yellow').place(x=250,y=330) #Entry Widget for secret key code=StringVar() e = Entry(win,textvariable=code,bd=2,font='impact 10 bold ',show='*') e.place(x=245,y=360) #Buttons open_button = Button(win,text='Open Image',bg='blue',fg='white',font='ariel 12 bold ',cursor='hand2',command=open_img) open_button.place(x=60,y=417) save_button = Button(win,text='Save Image',bg='green',fg='white',font='ariel 12 bold ',cursor='hand2',command=save_img) save_button.place(x=190,y=417) hide_button = Button(win,text='Hide Data',bg='red',fg='white',font='ariel 12 bold ',cursor='hand2',command=hide) hide_button.place(x=380,y=417) show_button = Button(win,text='Show Data',bg='orange',fg='white',font='ariel 12 bold ',cursor='hand2',command=show) show_button.place(x=510,y=417) mainloop() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ►Don't forget to subscribe to my channel. By the way, it's completely FREE! 🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓🆓 ☑ Watched the video! ☐ Liked? ☐ Subscribed? 🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔 ⚠This video is only for educational purpose , so don't try to misuse of it. Related Questions - What are the 5 types of steganography? What is LSB method of steganography in Python? What is steganography coding? Which algorithm is used in steganography? How do I hide text in an image? Which method is used to hide text in an image file? How do I hide information on a photo? How do I hide text in a picture in Word? How do I hide text in a picture? How do you hide data in an image in Python? Can Python pull text from an image? क्या पाइथन किसी इमेज से टेक्स्ट खींच सकता है? #cybersecurity #PythonProgramming #DataSecurity #OnlineProtection #HackingPrevention #DigitalPrivacy #ITSecurity #NetworkSecurity #CodeProtection #InformationSecurity #hide #pythontkinter #pythonforbeginners #pythontutorial #how
پارسال در تاریخ 1402/02/11 منتشر شده است.
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