How long does it take to heal from CO2 laser resurfacing? (Fractional)

Dr Davin Lim
Dr Davin Lim
218.6 هزار بار بازدید - 9 سال پیش - Fractional laser is a term
Fractional laser is a term to describe laser resurfacing using columns of laser light. Types of fractional lasers include Fraxel, this comes in 3 laser skin rejuvenating wavelengths including the 1927, 1550 and the CO2. This video highlights the healing following CO2. I have other videos depicting healing times following other lasers and energy devices including Profractional Erbium, 1927 Fraxel, Picosure, INFINI micro-needling radiofrequency, eMatrix and many more.

Fractional laser skin resurfacing healing times will also depend on the type of fractional laser used. The longest is with the CO2 fractional and the quickest healing is with the Picosure FOCUS fractional laser. Other lasers such as Sciton HALO, Pixel, Portrait, Starlux and erbium Profractional will have healing times of 2-7 days.

Skin recovery following fractional lasers depends on several factors including

1. Fraxel wavelength
2. Power and passes
3. Individual immune factors
4. The aim of fractional laser resurfacing
5. Location of fractional resurfacing

Firstly- let us consider the wavelength of fractional lasers. Fractional lasers come in many wavelengths, including Scition HALO, Profractional , Pixel, Portrait, Starlux platforms, as well as Fraxel laser. Fraxel has 2 types of wavelengths- the 1927, the 1550 ( Fraxel Restore) and the most powerful of them all the CO2 or Fraxel Re:Pair. In order of recovery, Fraxel 1927 and 1550 is the quickest, ranging from 2 days to 7 days. This is because this form for laser skin rejuvenation is called non-ablative fractional laser resurfacing. CO2 Fraxel laser takes the longest to recover, namely 4- 9 days, with redness persisting for up to a few months if higher fractional densities are set. Wavelengths such as 1550 and CO2 laser are ideally suited for the treatment of acne scars, and deep wrinkles. 1927 Fraxel is best for pigmentation, fine wrinkles and sun damage known as solar keratosis.

Secondly- power and passes. Power can be tailored according to the skin type of the patient. For example- darker skin patients, such as Asian skin types will require less power and passes to treat their acne scars- this is purely based upon the safety profile. Conversely they may require more Fractional Laser treatments to achieve the end goal. The less power and the less density (ie. Less closely the laser beams are fractionated) the quicker the healing times. The longest healing times are seen in patients seeking acne scar removal, and skin rejuvenation following extreme wrinkling and sun damage.

Thirdly- individual factors such as smoking, and general health can play a role in skin recovery following Fraxel laser, or any other skin laser resurfacing procedure. Make sure you are in top health before skin laser treatments.

Fourth- and probably the most important point is the aim of fractional Fraxel skin resurfacing itself! Conditions that lie deep in your skin will take the longest to heal- namely acne scars, and collagen remodelling. Using the Fraxel CO2 for these conditions may entail a recovery time of up to 9 days or longer. Superficial pigmentation such as freckles, sun spots, liver spots and age spots can be treated with the Fraxel 1927 (or Pixel – Portrait fractional lasers), and will only take 3-7 days to heal. Acne scars can also be remodelled by using the Fraxel 1550 non ablative fractional resurfacing system- healing times are 3-7 days, however in my opinion CO2 laser is much better, and INFINI Microneedling Insulated Radiofrequency is even better still (see my other reviews).

Fifth- location, location, location. Fractional laser on the face heals up the quickest, laser resurfacing on the hands can take up to 2 weeks to completely recover.

Remember, Fractional lasers are only a device, however, it is the method of treatment that give the very best results. In my practice I often combine fractional laser resurfacing with procedures such as Juvederm filler, surgery, Botox, INFINI microneedling radiofrequency and even Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP).
For more information on Fraxel and how I employ this laser at my practice, Laser and Lifts please subscribe to my channel. Over the upcoming months I will upload my favourite Fraxel combinations including a mixture of fractional wavelengths in the one session, Fraxel INFINI, Fraxel PRP, Pulse FRAXEL, Frax-CORE CO2 and many more.

Thanks for watching

Dr Davin Lim
Laser and aesthetic dermatologist
Brisbane, Australia

Realself reviews and more before and after photos
9 سال پیش در تاریخ 1394/10/17 منتشر شده است.
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