杏仁饼 | 简单易做、口感酥脆、很香浓的杏仁坚果味 | 过年饼 💛 Almond Cookies | Easy & Tangy Nut Flavor CNY Cookies [我的爱心食谱/小雁]

小雁和阿成 (我的爱心食谱)
小雁和阿成 (我的爱心食谱)
15.3 هزار بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - 今期的视频还是跟大家分享制作新年饼哦,如果你有制作上一期的黄油饼干。那黄油饼干作为烘培饼干的基础知识,这款杏仁饼就很容易上手啦。这款杏仁饼吃起来口感酥脆,还有很香浓的杏仁坚果的味道。 ✅炒香杏仁粉 买回来的杏仁粉一般都是没炒香的。我自己有试用没炒过的杏仁粉直接用来做饼干,我觉得吃起来味道不够香浓,除非过度将饼干烘烤才够香气。所以我觉得用炒香的杏仁粉来做饼味道会更香浓。 ✅烤杏仁粒 同样的我也试过用生的杏仁粒直接放在饼干上拿去烘烤。不过,饼干烤够了杏仁粒却还熟不透。吃起来有点生硬,味道也不香。所以我就把生的杏仁粒放入盐水里捞一捞再拿去烤香。过盐水的目的是让杏仁粒吃起来有点咸咸的,味道更丰富。如果你买的杏仁粒已经是烤过或者你比较喜欢没烤过的杏仁粒就省略掉这个步骤。口味是很个人的哦。
今期的视频还是跟大家分享制作新年饼哦,如果你有制作上一期的黄油饼干。那黄油饼干作为烘培饼干的基础知识,这款杏仁饼就很容易上手啦。这款杏仁饼吃起来口感酥脆,还有很香浓的杏仁坚果的味道。 ✅炒香杏仁粉 买回来的杏仁粉一般都是没炒香的。我自己有试用没炒过的杏仁粉直接用来做饼干,我觉得吃起来味道不够香浓,除非过度将饼干烘烤才够香气。所以我觉得用炒香的杏仁粉来做饼味道会更香浓。 ✅烤杏仁粒 同样的我也试过用生的杏仁粒直接放在饼干上拿去烘烤。不过,饼干烤够了杏仁粒却还熟不透。吃起来有点生硬,味道也不香。所以我就把生的杏仁粒放入盐水里捞一捞再拿去烤香。过盐水的目的是让杏仁粒吃起来有点咸咸的,味道更丰富。如果你买的杏仁粒已经是烤过或者你比较喜欢没烤过的杏仁粒就省略掉这个步骤。口味是很个人的哦。 ✅饼干造型 最经典和简单的造型就是搓圆按扁后在上面放颗杏仁,送进预热到摄氏160度的烤箱用上下火烤15分钟再刷层蛋液就有蛋香味的杏仁饼了。这种有点厚度的吃起来是口感酥酥的哦。如果你喜欢吃脆口的可以把面团再按扁一些或者用可爱模具来制作,但有小细节表情的模具就不适合刷蛋液。因为,表情烤好会变得模糊不清没那么可爱。饼干的厚度和烘烤的时间,会影响饼干的酥脆度。饼干越薄或烤的时间越长就会越脆,反过来就会比较酥松。所以可以依个人喜好来做调整,一个食谱可以做出两种不同的口感呢。 我们这期分享的食谱份量大约只能做20片杏仁饼,如果你想要做更多的话,可以到我们的网站去调整食谱份量哦。 如果您喜欢我们分享的杏仁饼干食谱,欢迎分享给您的亲朋戚友哦~祝您生龙活虎! #我的爱心食谱 #杏仁饼 #年饼食谱 #曲奇 #简单好吃 #入口即化 #简单易做 #口感酥脆 #新年饼 ----------------------------------------------- 📃文字食谱 ----------------------------------------------- 🖨️ 打印这食谱或调整食谱的份量 : bit.ly/3noVVH8 🔪 准备时间 :1小时 🍲 烹饪时间: 30分鐘 🍽️ 份量:大约20片 可爱卡通动物饼干模具 shp.ee/i223yk9 🌱食材 - 70克 黄油 - 30克 糖粉 - 40克 低筋面粉 - 50克 玉米粉 - 30克 杏仁粉(shp.ee/hb8d7k9) - 10克 吉士粉 - 1/8茶匙 盐 - 20粒 杏仁(shp.ee/fj99mw9) 蛋黄液 - 1粒 蛋黄 - 1茶匙 清水 ------------- This video I still share with you how to make New Year's cookies. If you have made the butter cookies from the previous issue, with butter cookies as the basics of baking cookies, these almond cookies are easy to get started with. This cookie is crunchy and has a tangy almond nut flavor. ✅Toasted Almond Powder Bought almond powder is generally not toasted. I have tried raw almond powder and used it directly to make cookies. I feel that the taste is not fragrant enough unless the cookies are over-baked. So I think it will be more fragrant to make the cookies with toasted almond flour. ✅Toasted Almonds I have also tried using raw almonds directly on top of the cookies for baking. However, the cookies had enough baked but almonds were still undercooked. It tastes a bit undercooked and tastes not fragrant. So I put the raw almonds in salted water and scooped it out before roasting them. The purpose of the brine is to make the almonds taste a little salty and have a richer taste. Skip this step if you bought almonds already roasted or if you prefer unroasted almonds. The taste is very personal. ✅Cookies Shape The most classic and simple shape is to round and flatten it, put an almond on it, send it to the oven for baking, and then egg wash to get egg-flavored almond cookies. This kind of thickness is a bit thick and it tastes crunchy. If you like to eat crispily, you can flatten the dough or use a cute mold to make it, but the mold with small details is not suitable for brushing egg wash. Because, when the expression is baked, it will become blurred and not so cute. The thickness of the cookies and the baking time will affect the crispness of the cookies. The thinner the cookies or the longer they bake, the crispier they will be, which in turn will be crispier. So it can be adjusted according to personal preference, one recipe can make two different tastes. The recipes we share in this issue can only make about 20 pieces of almond cookies. If you want to make more, you can go to our website to adjust the recipes. If you like the almond cookies recipe we share, welcome to share it with your relatives and friends~ I wish you a healthy life! #MyLovelyRecipes #AlmondCookies #CNYCookies #CNYrecipe #easy ----------------------------------------------- 📃Text Recipe ----------------------------------------------- 🖨️ Print This Recipe or Adjust Serving Size : bit.ly/3GuR52y 🔪 Preparation time: 1 hour 🍲 Cooking time: 30 minutes 🍽️ Serving size: about 20 pieces Cute Animal Cookies Mold shp.ee/i223yk9 🌱 INGREDIENTS - 70g Softened Unsalted Butter - 30g Icing Sugar - 1/8 tsp Salt - 40g Low Protein Flour - 50g Cornstarch - 30g Almond Powder (shp.ee/hb8d7k9) - 10g Custard Powder - 20pcs Almond (shp.ee/fj99mw9) Egg Wash - 1 pc Egg York - 1 tsp Water --------------------------- ⏲时间表 Schedule --------------------------- 0:00 开场简介 Intro 0:35 炒杏仁粉 Fry Almond Powder 1:08 烤香杏仁 Bake Almonds 1:50 制作饼干 Making Cookies 5:00 可爱版本 Cute Version 5:26 心得分享 Tips Sharing 6:11 试吃和收场 Tasting & Ending 7:31 虎年吉祥 Auspicious of the Tiger Year ---------------------------------------- 🎼 Music by ‪@OrangeHead‬ ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 📷 Videography Equipment --------------------------------------------- Sony A6400 Camera With 16-50mm Lens shp.ee/kbazqhk Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 DC DN Lens shp.ee/uj9g6k5 Boya BY-BM3032 Microphone shp.ee/vkkqb6r Andoer Mini Tabletop Tripod shp.ee/i3bsmjr ---------------------- ❤ Follow Us ---------------------- Website : www.mylovelyrecipes.com/ ASMR Channel : ‪@MyLovelyRecipesASMR‬ Facebook : www.facebook.com/my.lovelyrecipes/ Instagram : www.instagram.com/my.lovelyrecipes/
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/10/24 منتشر شده است.
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