MKR1010 to Processing Over WiFi - Arduino LiveCast S03E05

14.6 هزار بار بازدید - 5 سال پیش - David shows how to connect
David shows how to connect a MKR WiFi 1010 to Processing via a WebSocket over WiFi. This example will be very useful if you are making a project where your devices are so far from your computer to make impossible using a USB cable. WebSockets allow for low-latency wireless communication and you can have more than one device on the same port sending and receiving data to a WebSocket server, on the same port!

In this case we use the simplest WebSocket library for Processing with an easy server example. For Arduino we use the ArduinoHttpClient lib and modify the drivers to one of the examples to make sure it uses the WiFiNINA ones (the WiFi/BT module on the MKR1010).

Note: This video is an extract of one of David's PhD courses in advanced technologies and electronics for instrumentation made together with LTU in Sweden.

Note: our microphone broke and got some distortion, sorry for that, we're getting a new one soon.

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5 سال پیش در تاریخ 1397/12/21 منتشر شده است.
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