【史海鈎沉】揭開焚書坑儒的真相,秦始皇的是非功過,留給後人評說 | 奇聞觀察室

93.3 هزار بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - The First Emperor of the
The First Emperor of the Thousand Years - Burning Books and Confucius
The burning of books and burying Confucian scholars is one of the most condemned things of Qin Shi Huang, but the real history of the burning of books and burying Confucian scholars may not be quite the same as people understand, in fact, the truth of the burning of books and burying Confucian scholars is how it is, we may take a look together!
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Qin Shi Huang Episode 5 - Burning Books and Confucius
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The Seventh Episode of Qin Shi Huang - The Fall of Qin
"I am Longwind, join me in discovering the truth of the events"
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#Qin Shi Huang #Six Kingdoms #History #Chinese History #Story #Qin #Spring and Autumn #Warring States #Wonderful Observatory #Qin Dynasty #Burning Books and Confucius
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/05/04 منتشر شده است.
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