✔ How To Spell Animal Sounds + Hear Noises They Make ~ Fun (full glossary)

322.3 هزار بار بازدید - 11 سال پیش - We didn't know, did you?
We didn't know, did you?  All kinds of animals and noises that they make.  Sounds used here are from natural environments like you would encounter in real life.  Some sounds are louder, some are softer.  Great for kids!
Baa ~ The cry of a sheep or lamb.  Bleat.
Bark ~ Sharp explosive cry.
Bay ~ Bark or howl loudly.
Bell/Bell Tone ~ Make a sound like a bell.
Bellow ~ Emit a deep roaring shout or sound.
Bleat ~ To utter the characteristic cry of a goat or sheep.
Bow-Wow ~ The bark of a dog.
Buzz ~ To make a low vibrating sound .
Cackle ~ Give a raucous, clucking cry.
Caterwaul ~ Make a shrill howling or wailing noise.
Caw ~ The harsh cry of a crow or similar bird.
Chatter ~ Talk rapidly or incessantly.
Chirp ~ To make a short, high-pitched sound.
Chitter ~ Make a twittering or chattering sound.
Chortle ~ Laugh in a breathy, gleeful way; chuckle.
Chuff ~ Holding the mouth closed and snorting through the nostrils.
Clap ~ Like striking together the palms of the hands.
Click ~ Make or cause to make a short, sharp sound.
Cluck ~ Make a short, guttural sound.
Coo ~ Make a soft murmuring sound.
Cough ~ Expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound.
Croak ~ Make a characteristic deep hoarse sound.
Crow ~ To exult loudly, as over another's defeat; boast.
Cry ~ Shout, weep, call, scream, yell, bawl, blubber.
Dook ~ Noise that ferrets make when they are happy or excited.
Drum ~ Make a continuous rhythmic noise.
Echo Location ~ Acoustic location, the general use of sound to locate objects.
Gecker ~ Single sharp yak sound, which may be repeated.  Cackling.
Gibber ~ Speak rapidly and unintelligibly.
Gobble ~ Make a characteristic swallowing sound in the throat.
Groan ~ To make a deep sound expressive of stress or strain.
Growl ~ To emit a low guttural sound or utterance.
Grunt ~ Make a low, short guttural sound.
Hiss ~  Make a sharp sibilant sound as of the letters.
Honk ~ A resonant sound characteristic of a wild goose.
Hoot ~ A deep or medium-pitched sound, often wavering or interrupted.
Howl ~ A long, loud, doleful cry uttered by an animal such as a dog or wolf.
Huff ~ Blow out loudly.
Hum ~ Produce sound without opening the lips or forming words.
Knock ~ Sudden short sound/sounds like knocking on a door.
Laugh ~ Spontaneous sounds expressing amusement, like laughing.
Low ~ Make a characteristic deep sound: "the lowing of cattle".
Meow ~ The characteristic crying sound of a cat.
Mew ~ Make a characteristic high-pitched crying noise.
Mimic ~ Imitate actions or words in order to entertain or ridicule.
Moan ~ A low, sustained, mournful cry, usually of sorrow or pain.
Moo ~ Make the characteristic deep vocal sound (of a cow).
Murmur ~ Low continuous sound or succession of sounds.
Neigh ~ A characteristic high-pitched sound uttered by a horse.
Nicker ~ To neigh softly.
Oink ~ The characteristic grunting sound of a pig.
Pant ~ Breathe with short, quick breaths, typically from exertion or excitement.
Pant-Hoot ~ Vocalizations of chimpanzees. This call begins with breathy, low-pitched hoots that makes a transition into a series of quicker, higher-pitched in-and-out pants.
Pook ~ By imitating the deer sound, the tiger could elicit a reply from its prey.
Purr ~ Low continuous vibratory sound usually expressing contentment.
Putt ~ Single or several sharp notes.
Rattle ~ A rapid succession of short, sharp knocking sounds.
Ribbit ~ Characteristic sound of a frog.
Roar ~ Utter or express with a loud, deep and prolonged sound.
Rumble ~ A continuous deep, resonant sound like distant thunder.
Scream ~ To utter a long loud piercing cry
Screech ~ To cry out in a high-pitched, strident voice.
Shriek ~ A high-pitched piercing cry or sound; a scream.
Shrill ~ scream.
Sing ~ Make musical sounds.
Squawk ~ A loud, harsh or discordant noise
Squeak ~ To utter in a thin, shrill voice.
Snarl ~ Make an aggressive growl with bared teeth.
Sneeze ~ To expel air forcibly from the mouth and nose in an explosive action.
Snort ~ To breathe noisily and forcefully through the nostrils.
Snuffle ~ A sniff or sniffing sound.
Sputter ~ Make a series of soft explosive sounds.
Strident ~ Loud, harsh, grating, or shrill; discordant.
Talk ~ Speak, converse, say, chat, tell.
Trill ~ Produce a quavering or warbling sound.
Trumpet ~ Make a bright, penetrating tone like a trumpet instrument.
Twitter ~ A series of short, high-pitched calls or sounds.
Wail ~ A prolonged high-pitched cry of pain, grief, or anger
Wheek ~ The sound made by a guinea pig.
Wheeze ~ Breathe with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest.
Whimper ~ Low, feeble sounds expressive of fear, pain, or discontent.
Whine ~ A long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound.
Whistle ~ Emit a clear, high-pitched sound by forcing breath through a small hole between one's lips or teeth.
Whoof ~ A deep snorting sound.
Whoop ~ A loud cry of excitement.
Woof ~ The barking sound made by a dog.
Yelp ~ A short sharp cry of pain or alarm.
Yowl ~ A loud wailing cry, one of pain or distress.
11 سال پیش در تاریخ 1391/12/27 منتشر شده است.
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