Megarhyssa perlata, Unique Parasitoid of Wood Boring Insects. Kyiv, Ukraine. 11.05.2022.

Dr Victor Fursov Entomologist Beekeeper Teacher
Dr Victor Fursov Entomologist Beekeeper Teacher
248 بار بازدید - 2 سال پیش - LINK =
LINK = Megarhyssa perlata, Unique Parasitoid...   Megarhyssa perlata (Ichneumonidae, Ichneumonoidea, Hymenoptera), Unique Parasitoid of Wood Boring Insects. Kyiv, Ukraine. 11.05.2022.
Megarhyssa, also known as giant ichneumonid wasps (Ichneumonidae, Ichneumonoidea, Hymenoptera), giant ichneumons, or stump stabbers, is a genus of large ichneumon wasps, with some species known for having the longest ovipositors of any insects. They are idiobiont endoparasitoids of the larvae of wood-boring horntail wasps. The ovipositor can be mistaken for a large stinger.
Megarhyssa is a parasitoid insect. Its larvae are parasitoids of horntail wasp larvae in coniferous trees. The adult female hunts horntail larvae for egg placement. It smells wood-eating fungus, utilized by the horntail larvae to predigest wood pulp, and uses its antennae to detect vibrations made by the horntail larvae.
The female Megarhyssa perlata curls its ovipositor over its abdomen to insert the tip of the ovipositor at a right angle into the bark and cuts into the tree until it reaches the horntail larval tunnel. The female Megarhyssa perlata  then deposits a very slender egg through its ovipositor into the tunnel on or near the horntail larva.
The Megarhyssa perlata larva then hatches to eat the live horntail larval host from the inside causing the horntail larva's eventual death.
The Megarhyssa perlata  larva pupates inside its host and emerges the following summer as an adult.
Although imposing, the female Megarhyssa perlata  does not sting and is harmless to humans. Adult Megarhyssa are feeding on nectar and water.

Мегариса перлата (Megarhyssa perlata) — вид комах з родини Ichneumonidae. Корисний ентомофаг. Один з 3 відомих в фауні України видів роду Megarhyssa. Населяє Полісся, Лісостеп. Один з найбільших за розміром їздець, тіло якого завдовжки 40-43 мм; яйцеклад самиць у 1,7-2,0 рази більший за довжину тіла.
Дає 1 генерацію на рік. На стадії личинки зовнішній паразит личинок рогохвостів (Siricidae). Через наявність більш довгого, ніж у M. superba, яйцеклада, на свердління деревини витрачає 40-65 хв. Зимує личинка в деревині у власному коконі.

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Uploaded:      11.V.2022, Kiev, Kyiv, the capital of UKRAINE. Uploaded by Dr Victor Fursov, Entomologist, Beekeeper, Teacher in Ukraine.

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VIDEO LINK:    Megarhyssa perlata, Unique Parasitoid...
2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1401/02/21 منتشر شده است.
248 بـار بازدید شده
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