How To Correctly Adjust Color Settings In Photoshop

Shutter Buggs
Shutter Buggs
193.7 هزار بار بازدید - 9 سال پیش - - So the first thing that you want to do with regards to color management inside of Photoshop is go ahead and configure color settings, which is located underneath edit and we’ll just scroll to the bottom here, and you’ll find color settings. Now if you’ve never played around with Photoshop’s color settings before they may look quite daunting at first, but really there are only a few things that you need to know in order to get started. The first thing that I want you to do is go to the right-hand side of your actual window, and click on the more options button just to reveal all of the available options with regards to the color settings. Now if we work our way down from the top, the first option you’ll see is the settings drop-down menu, which has several presets from which you can choose, but essentially we’re going to set up your own custom configuration, so we don’t need to touch any of these at this moment. Underneath we have working spaces and this is where you specify a default color profile for each color mode. We have RGB, CMYK, Grayscale, and Spot. Now a working scale as such, is usually considered as a color profile that you use when editing and adjusting your images. It’s not device specific, but it has a large enough color gamut that it can actually contain all of the colors that are present in your digital image. The most common working spaces that you’ve probably already heard of: are SRGB, Adobe RGB, and Pro photo RGB. I’m going to leave this set to Adobe RGB. Once you’ve chosen your preferred working spaces we can then proceed to configure Photoshop’s color management policies which determine how Photoshop handles color profiles when opening and working with images. Once again you have the color modes you’ll have RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale. Essentially for these three drop downs you’ll actually select whether you want to turn them off, whether you want to preserve existing profiles which are embedded profiles that are existed and embedded in a digital file, or whether you want to convert your working RGB space. Essentially, whatever you put up here in the RGB space will be what your image is converted if you choose to convert to working RGB space, if your image is actually in a different color profile to begin with. Underneath these particular color modes we have a couple of check boxes, and they’re primarily for profile mismatches, so when you actually open up your documents it’ll ask you whether you want to use the embedded profile, or convert to your existing default working space, and you also have missing profiles. For more information on Photoshop's color settings visit:……
9 سال پیش در تاریخ 1394/08/08 منتشر شده است.
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