What is a GDA | Does it Work

1.6 هزار بار بازدید - 2 سال پیش - Glucose & Insulin, two key
Glucose & Insulin, two key factors on why you are FAT.  I discuss what is a GDA, how it works, why it can be effective, and how it’ll help you dial in your physique.

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What is a GDA | Does it Work

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#GDA #glucosedisposalagent
When looking to create a lean and muscular physique, the last thing you want is to cause your body to store carbohydrates as body fat. A glucose disposal agent (GDA) is the perfect addition to any training and nutrition program to prevent this from happening. The purpose of a GDA is to help shuttle nutrients (such as glucose) into the muscle to not only help provide the body with a source of energy but also help with the rebuilding process of torn-down muscle fibers from training. Because you're better able to manage how your body utilizes glucose, you achieve the added benefit of enhancing your weight loss efforts.
SLYN is designed to be taken before high-carb meals to help you more efficiently and effectively utilize nutrients without causing a spike in insulin. Rather than having blood sugar levels that resemble a rollercoaster ride, SLYN helps provide you with a more normalized and stable blood sugar level. In addition, because SLYN shuttles the nutrients into the muscles, you can experience a pump and natural muscle volumization without even picking up a weight.
Skip the "carb coma" and start putting your carbohydrates to work!
Ingredient Breakdown
Momordicine® - (1,500mg)
Momordica charantia (bitter melon) has been used for centuries by traditional medicine practitioners for a variety of ailments. Bitter melon contains a trio of bioactive compounds with hypoglycemic properties, including charantin, vicine, and an insulin-like compound called polypeptide-p. Various pre-clinical studies have documented the and hypoglycaemic effects of M. charantia through assorted proposed mechanisms. Charantin, in particular, is noted in research to exert a blood glucose-lowering effect. Other studies also note that bitter melon may reduce glycogen formation in the liver while also increasing glucose uptake and utilization. *
Na-R-ALA – (200mg)
Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) fatty acid and antioxidant found in every cell in the body that plays a key role in energy metabolism. Research notes that ALA may enhance glucose uptake and AMPK activation, supporting lower fasting blood sugar, appetite suppression, and increased energy expenditure. Na-R-ALA is the sodium version of the R isomer for ALA which is the most stable and bioavailable form of ALA available. It works via the same mechanisms as Alpha Lipoic Acid, but to a greater degree. Anecdotally, Na-R-ALA is known for its ability to enhance muscle pumps during training on account of increased glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue. *
GlucoVantage® – (200mg)
2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1401/06/01 منتشر شده است.
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