Photoshop Tutorial - Generate Textures using the Clone Tool

Printed Village
Printed Village
46.7 هزار بار بازدید - 10 سال پیش - Steps:1) Go to the file

1) Go to the file menu and click 'Place'. Select the image which the a texture you'd like to use in your pattern.

2) Rasterize the image and then hit 'command + shift + u' to desaturate it

3) Create a new layer and get the clone stamp tool (s) from the tool bar.

4) hold down 'option' (alt on windows) and select a starting point on your photograph. now draw with the clone stamp tool until you have a significant are of the pattern on your image. Continue to select from the pattern you've drawn working outwards until the desired area is filled.

5) once you're done, delete the photograph

6) to color in your texture, reduce the opacity of the layer containing it and then simply fill in the color behind it.
10 سال پیش در تاریخ 1393/05/30 منتشر شده است.
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