台灣追鄉曲 精華 Highlight from Once upon a time in Taiwan

robin ruizendaal
robin ruizendaal
72 بار بازدید - 2 ماه پیش - 台洋劇團 台灣追鄉曲 精華 Highlight from
台洋劇團 台灣追鄉曲 精華 Highlight from Once upon a time in Taiwan Taiyang Theatre Company 2024年6月3日台北中山堂演出 Performance at the Zhongshan Hall in Taipei on June 3, 2024 Once upon a Time in Taiwan, a puppet opera created by artists from Taiwan and the Netherlands and performed at the Zhongshan Hall on June 3 by the Taiyang Theatre Company, as part of the ‘2024: Year of Netherlands Innovation and Culture’ in by the Netherlands Office in Taiwan. "整個故事,以荷治時期的歷史為背景,由偶戲組發揮各種偶戲精湛、生動的手指演技,配上專業、熱情的樂隊和歌手,以及優美的西拉雅竹音樂團的獻唱,聲光齊發,完美地表演了這齣意涵深遠的歷史劇。深值眾「人」用心觀賞" 江樹生老師的評價 The Story 歷史是數萬人的個人故事,因此戲碼雖然會跟著大歷史的發展從荷蘭人來台前到鄭成功軍隊跟荷蘭人最後戰爭,但主要故事以一般老百姓的故事為主,包括當時不同族群的女人與小孩。 History is made up of thousands of personal stories, and although the production deals with the arrival of the Dutch in Taiwan and the final battle with Coxinga, yet it will focus on the lives of ordinary people living at that time, including the stories of women and children. 這是三位年輕朋友在17世紀台灣的故事。故事的主軸是他們三位友誼、愛情與矛盾以大歷史為背景。三位在多元多民族的17世紀的台南社會長大。社會的波動影響了他們長大的過程以及他們之間的關係。激烈戲劇性的結局讓三位朋友分開別離。 This is the story of three young people in 17th century Taiwan. The central story is the friendship, love and conflict between the three friends with the dramatic historical developments as a background. The three friends grow up in the diverse and multi-ethnic Tainan, southern Taiwan, in the 17th century. The huge societal changes and conflicts deeply influence their growing up and their relations with each other. The dramatic ending tears the friends cruelly apart. 團隊 Production and creative team 藝術總監/導演/劇作家:羅斌 Producer/artistic director and author: Robin Ruizendaal 作曲: 黃俊達 Composer: Huang Chun-da 燈光音響設計: 劉小巴 Light and sound design: Liu Hsiao-pa 執行製作: 張永姍 Executive producer: Chang Yong-shan 戲劇顧問:(德國)烏爾里希‧梅耶―賀許 Theatre consultant: Ulrich Meyer-Horsch 原民顧問:孫大川 Aborigine consultant: Sun Da-chuan 偶戲主演:郭建甫 Main puppeteer: Kuo Chien-fu 歌手:羅安娜、孔孝誠、黃盈慈 Singers: Anne Rodier, Ezio Kong, Huang Ying-tzu 西拉雅竹音合唱團 Siraya Onini Music Company 樂師:張士能、敖馨郁、黃俊達 Musicians: Chang Shi-neng, Laura Alheid, Huang Chun-da 偶師:辜文俊、陳啟豐 Puppeteers: Ku Wen-chu, Cheng Chi-feng 偶戲製作: 布調, 郭建甫 Bu Diao, Kuo Chien-fu Puppet construction 戲服 Costumes: 歐蘭英, 不貳偶戲團, 布調 Eveline Oranje, Unique Puppet Theatre Company, Bu Diao
2 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1403/04/30 منتشر شده است.
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