
37 هزار بار بازدید - 5 سال پیش - 神不會離開我們,只是我們很容易離開神,你願意拿出一些時間學習神的話親近神嗎?歡迎加入我們團契。 WhatsApp:
神不會離開我們,只是我們很容易離開神,你願意拿出一些時間學習神的話親近神嗎?歡迎加入我們團契。 WhatsApp: chat.whatsapp.com/JLxYhnVC2534lxN1uMLybB Messenger: m.me/tr.kingdomsalvation?ref=ytgssdr 觀看更多基督教會詩歌視頻:    • 讚美詩歌【舞台版】   基督教會微型舞台劇《緊緊跟隨》基督徒歷經迫害志更堅 「神在大紅龍之地開展他的工作是相當難的 It is greatly arduous for God to carry out His work in the land of the great red dragon, 而神又藉此『難』來作了他的一步工作 but it is through such difficulty that God does a stage of His work 來顯明神的智慧,顯明神的奇妙作為 to make manifest His wisdom and wondrous deeds. 藉此機會神將這班人作成 God takes this opportunity to make this group of people complete. 就因著人受的苦,因著人的素質 Because of people’s suffering, their caliber, 因著這個污穢之地的人所有的撒但性情 and all the satanic disposition of people in this unclean land, 來作神的潔淨、征服工作 God does His work of purification and conquest 使神從此得著榮耀 so that, from this, He may gain glory 使神從此得著見證他作為的人 and gain those who stand witness to His deeds. 這是神在這班人身上付出所有代價的全部意義。」 This is the full significance of all the sacrifices that God has made for this group of people. 「神要將這些苦難深重的人喚起,徹底喚醒 God wants to awaken these deeply suffering people, to awaken them completely, 從迷霧中走出來,棄絕大紅龍 and to have them walk out of the fog and reject the great red dragon. 從夢中覺醒,認識大紅龍的本質 God wants to awaken them from their dream, have them know the essence of the great red dragon, 能將心全部歸給神 give all their heart to God, 在黑暗勢力的壓迫中奮起 rise up out of the oppression of the dark forces, 站立在世界的東方,成為神得勝的證據 stand up in the East of the world, and become proof of God’s victory. 這樣神才得著榮耀。」 Only then will God gain glory. Email : [email protected] CAG Hymns - 國度新歌App Google Play:bit.ly/2KRfZQ6 App Store:apple.co/2FgL1Nv 本錄像製品免費對公眾發布,轉載時請註明來源。未經版權人同意,任何組織、社會團體和個人不得對本錄像製品進行篡改、歪曲、截取或據其製作衍生作品,也不得將本錄像製品直接或間接用於商業用途。 #舞台劇#敬拜舞蹈#基督教舞蹈
5 سال پیش در تاریخ 1398/08/20 منتشر شده است.
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