Python for Data Science | Data Structures | Dictionaries | Functions | Streamlit

DataGenZ Africa
DataGenZ Africa
210 بار بازدید - 7 روز پیش - ✅Welcome to the third class
✅Welcome to the third class of our Python for Data Science  series ‪@datagenzafrica‬  Data Science Beginners bootcamp! This session is packed with essential topics that will further enhance your Python programming skills. Here’s what we’ll explore:

✅Topics Covered:

1. Dictionaries, Tuples, and Sets
  - Dictionaries: Learn how to create and manipulate #python dictionaries, a powerful data structure for storing key-value pairs.
  - Tuples: Understand the characteristics of #tuples  and how they differ from lists, along with their common use cases.
  - Sets: Discover #sets  and their unique properties, such as eliminating duplicate items and performing set operations.

2. Functions and Methods
  - Learn the importance of #functions in creating reusable code.
  - Understand how to define and call functions in Python.
  - Explore function parameters, return values, and scope.

3. Packages
  - Get introduced to #python  packages and how they help in organizing and reusing code.
  - Learn how to install and import packages using `pip`.
  - Explore some popular packages used in data science.

4. Streamlit
  - Discover #streamlit, an open-source framework for creating interactive web applications with Python.
  - Learn how to install Streamlit and create your first simple app.
  - Explore how to use Streamlit to build data science dashboards and share your results interactively.

- Comprehensive overview of key data structures: dictionaries, tuples, and sets.
- Practical guide to writing and using functions effectively.
- Introduction to managing and utilizing packages for enhanced functionality.
- Step-by-step tutorial to getting started in building interactive apps with Streamlit.

✅About the Instructor:

Grace Ufeoshi - is an experienced data scientist/ml professional and passionate educator with a strong background in Python programming and data analysis. With years of experience in the industry, Grace has a talent for making complex topics accessible and engaging. She is dedicated to helping learners at all levels achieve their goals and succeed in their data science careers.

By the end of this class, you’ll be well-versed in using various data structures, writing functions, and leveraging packages. You’ll also have hands-on experience with Streamlit, empowering you to create and share dynamic data applications.

Join us and continue your journey towards becoming a proficient data scientist with Python. Happy learning and coding!

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7 روز پیش در تاریخ 1403/03/24 منتشر شده است.
210 بـار بازدید شده
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