Yoga Vasistha Sara 5.1-2 - The fire of Who am I

86 بار بازدید - 4 ماه پیش - राम स्वात्मविचारोऽयं कोऽहं स्यामितिरूपकः ।
राम स्वात्मविचारोऽयं कोऽहं स्यामितिरूपकः । चित्तदुदुर्मवीजस्य दहने दहनः स्मृतः ॥5.1॥ O Rama, “who am I?” enquiry, in to one’ own self, is the fire, for burning seeds of the mind tree, which causes sufferings. "Who am I?" is like a vaiśvānara fire, to burn the desire-seeds of mind, or to attenuate latent impressions, through Self-analysis. Acharya Shankara said in Aparokşānubhūti, 12: कोऽहं कथमिदं जातं को वै कर्ताऽस्य विद्यते । उपादानं किमस्तीह विचारः सोऽयमीदृशः ॥ Who am I? From where is this universe born? Who is the master of this universe? What are the constituent materials of this universe? This type of analysis, is called spiritual practice, in the path of Knowledge. Yogavāsistha Upaśana Prakaraņa, 91.29 says: दृढभावनया त्यक्तपूर्वापरविचारणम् । यदादानं पदार्थस्य वासना सा प्रकीर्तिता ॥ The acceptance of materials, such as the body and so forth, without careful deliberations, as "me and mine" is called latent impression. विचारदर्पणे लग्नां धियं धैर्यधुरं गताम् । आधयो न निलुम्पन्ति वाताश्चित्रलतामिव ॥ 5.2॥ Just as the wind do not move, the painting of a creeper, similarly, the purified intellect, fastened on the mirror of discrimination, with utmost patience, cannot be shaken by, mental agonies. This purified intellect, is just as roasted actions, referred in Gita 4.19 ज्ञानाग्निदग्धकर्माणं तमाहुः पण्डितं बुधाः।। He is wise one, who has roasted all his actions, in the fire of knowledge. Acharya Shankara said in Manisha Punchikam: भूतं भावि च दुष्कृतं प्रदहता संविन्मये पावके प्रारब्धाय समर्पितं स्ववपुर् Burning past and future karmas in the fire of knowledge, one's own body should be surrendered to the Prarabdha.
4 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1403/03/02 منتشر شده است.
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