Presentation Example: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Dr. Todd Grande
Dr. Todd Grande
47.6 هزار بار بازدید - 5 سال پیش - This video answers the question:
This video answers the question: Can I analyze a presentation example featuring posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) origin and course of treatment?

The definition of posttraumatic stress disorder contains a qualifying trauma section. There are four types of traumatic experiences listed: directly experiencing a traumatic event, witnessing a traumatic event in person occurring to others, learning about a traumatic event that occurs to a family member or close friend, or repeated exposure to aversive details of a traumatic event.

The four other categories of symptom criteria for PTSD include: intrusion (e.g. intrusive memories or flashbacks), avoidance (e.g. avoids thoughts or reminders of the trauma), negative mood (e.g. anger and guilt), and arousal (e.g. hypervigilance and difficulty sleeping). These symptoms have to be present for more than a month and they have to cause clinically significant distress.

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Goodall, B. B. G. cam. ac. u., Chadwick, I., McKinnon, A., Werner, S. A., Meiser, S. R., Smith, P., & Dalgleish, T. (2017). Translating the Cognitive Model of PTSD to the Treatment of Very Young Children: A Single Case Study of an 8-Year-Old Motor Vehicle Accident Survivor. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 73(5), 511–523.

Hull, A. M., Corrigan, F. M., & Curran, S. A. (2016). Identifying patients with complex PTSD. Practitioner, 260(1795), 31–37.
5 سال پیش در تاریخ 1398/05/30 منتشر شده است.
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