What Made Watch Dogs 2 One Hell of A Game?

The world that the First Watch Dogs game created went a long way with changing what could be possible in an open world science f ...
The world that the First Watch Dogs game created went a long way with changing what could be possible in an open world science fiction action game. Despite it not quite living up to its own promises Watch Dogs did have potential to be something special and stand out from the genre in a meaningful way.

Watch Dogs didn’t rub everybody the right way with its initial release but you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who wouldn't at least acknowledge that it's sequEl Watch Dogs 2 was a massive Improvement in myriad ways. Of course the open-world action-adventure genre is nothing if not completely crowded and bursting at the seams with creative games that are all trying to do something special to stand out.

Watch Dogs 2 succeeded at standing out in its genre more than many other games of the same genre and at that time did. By greatly expanding on the ideas of the original game, and introducing a character that was far more interesting and fun to play as, Watch Dogs 2 finally made good on much of what was expected of the original game while also injecting a little bit extra here and there for good measure.

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