The Wexford Carol "Carúl Loch Garman" in Irish Gaelic

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The Wexford Carol "Carúl Loch Garman" in Irish Gaelic

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Choral rendition: Cór Fear na nDéise | Carúl Loch Garman | Róisín TG4 Cór Fear na nDéise | Carúl Loch Garma...


Ó, tagaigí uile is adhraigí
/Oh, tog-egee il-eh iss ey-reh-gee/
An leanbh cneasta sa chró 'na luí
/On lyan-uv knass-ta sah khroh 'na lee/
Is cuimhnígí ar ghrá an Rí
/Iss kwiv-negee air ghraw on Ree/
A thug dár saoradh anocht an Naí.
/Ah hug dawr seer-oo ah-nukht on Nee/
'S a Mhuire Mháthair i bParthas Dé,
/Sah Wir-eh Wah-her ih bawr-huss Jay/
Ar chlann bhocht Éabha guigh anois go séimh,
/Air khlawn wukht Ay-vah gwee ah-nish guh shayv/
Is doras an chró ná dún go deo
/Iss dur-uss on khroh naw doon guh joh/
Go n-adhraim feasta Mac Rí na hÓighe.
/Guh neye-reem fast-ah Mok Ree nah ho/  

I mBeithil thoir i lár na hoíche
/Ih meh-hil her ih lawr nah hee-ha/
Ar chlos an dea-scéala d'aoirí,
/Air khlus on jah-shkay-la der-ee/
Go follas don saol ón spéir go binn
/Guh ful-lus dun sayl own spayr guh been/
Bhí aingle 'canadh ó rinn go rinn.
/Vee ain-gle kon-ah oh reen guh reen/
"Ghluaisigí go beo," dúirt Aingeal Dé,
/Gloosh-eegee guh byoh doo-irch ain-gle jay/
"Go Beithil sall is gheobhaidh sibh É
/Guh Be-hil sawl iss yo-wee shiv ey/
Ina luí go séimh i mainséar tuí,
/In-a lee guh shayv ih mawn-shayr tee/
Sin é an Prionsa, Mac Óg an Rí.
/Shin ey on Preen-sa Mok Ohg on Ree/

Ó, tagaigí uile is adhraigí
Oh, come all and adore,
An leanbh cneasta sa chró 'na luí
The sweet child who lies in the cattle shed,
Is cuimhnígí ar ghrá an Rí
And remember the King's love
A thug dár saoradh anocht an Naí.
That gave us the Infant for our salvation.
'S a Mhuire Mháthair i bParthas Dé,
And Mother Mary in God's Paradise,
Ar chlann bhocht Éabha guigh anois go séimh,
Pray gently now for Eve's poor children
Is doras an chró ná dún go deo
And never close the cattle shed's door
Go n-adhraim feasta Mac Rí na hÓighe.
So that I may forever worship the Son of the Virgin's King.

I mBeithil thoir i lár na hoíche
East in Bethleham in the middle of the night
Ar chlos an dea-scéala d'aoirí,
When shepherds heard the good news
Go follas don saol ón spéir go binn
Clearly to all the world, sweetly from the sky
Bhí aingle 'canadh ó rinn go rinn.
Angels sang from from every corner of the earth
"GhluaisigÍ go beo," dúirt Aingeal Dé,
"Come along quickly," said God's Angel
"Go Beithil sall is gheobhaidh sibh É
To yonder Bethleham and you will find Him
'Ina luí go séimh i mainséar tuí,
Lying gently in a manger of straw
Sin é an Prionsa, Mac Óg an Rí.
That's the Prince, the King's Young Son.
7 سال پیش در تاریخ 1396/09/24 منتشر شده است.
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