SL08FVH - Left Hook

Edinburgh Cyclist
Edinburgh Cyclist
880 بار بازدید - 12 ماه پیش - SL08FVH SL08 FVH 5th September
SL08FVH SL08 FVH 5th September 2023, 18:30, Mayfield Gardens, Edinburgh I was travelling at about 20-25 mph here, trying to keep an eye on the cycle lane, which is full of potholes and deformations which make it awkward to cycle in. Usually I just stick to the main carriageway here, but it was rush hour and there was slower moving traffic there, since we'd just set off from a red light. I noticed the car up ahead indicating left and slowing down at the point shown in the video. I assumed the driver had seen me, and/or was slowing to stop in the bus lane, as some drivers do. Then they turned left across my path. I stopped pedalling as soon as I clocked the car, and hauled on the brakes as soon as they started to turn, but realised I wasn't going to stop in time, so had to swerve around the back of the car. As I did so, I turned and shouted a sarcastic "HELLO!?" to the driver, and when I looked back I suddenly saw the bollard - ironically protecting the bike lane. I tried to swerve left around it, but clipped it with my front wheel and went over the handlebars. Strava indicates that I was travelling at about 15 mph when I hit the deck. I had to go to the left of the bollard because I had no idea what was behind me at this point, and instinct kicked in. Even if I'd seen it, I'd have tried to go to the left of it, because going right means swerving in front of other vehicles who at this point going faster than me. I did a Superman impression over the handlebars and landed on my hands, scuffing them up in the process. My elbow hit something - I think the base of the bollard - and was steadily dripping blood, and both my knees hit the deck too, scuffing them up and bruising them pretty badly. The driver of a taxi behind stopped to check on me, so did a pedestrian. The driver of the car I had to avoid didn't stop, but in their defence, I was probably already out of sight when I crashed. The bike was mostly undamaged, just a bent mudguard, so I cycled the remaining couple of miles home. Drivers give you a lot more space when passing you if you're steadily dripping blood from your elbow. I ended up going to minor injuries the next morning, after I woke up with the dressings I'd applied to my elbow were soaked in blood. I ended up getting a stitch in my elbow, and various dressings and wound pads for the road rash on my forearms and knees. The police said that the cycle lane stops before the point at which the driver turns left (Because it's a bus stop), so the driver didn't actually cross my path, and is completely free from blame.
12 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/06/19 منتشر شده است.
880 بـار بازدید شده
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