How Gut Bacteria Affects Your Mood

594 بار بازدید - 5 سال پیش - Learn the exact anti-candida protocol
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How are you all going out there? It's Eric Bakker, the naturopath from New Zealand. It's a cold, wet spring day here. All my friends in the States will be all hunkering down for their fall. Now they're autumn, I suppose is coming up and a nice, pleasant cold winter, which we had, but it's our turn soon anyway.

So anyway, let's get on to it. How the gut and bacteria affect your mood is the question. It's interesting. All my years I practiced as a naturopath. I had this strong feeling and probably in the knowledge that the gut was linked to the moods of people and I could see that in my clinic on a regular basis. I saw the relationship quite early on in my practice. When I was in my late twenties, early thirties of people eating good food, like vegetables, lean meats, nice fruits, seeds and nuts, grains, all that sorts of things, light alcohol consumption, and how those people had a more uplift, a lighter mood than people who were eating crisps all the time. Potato chips and pizzas and lots of energy drinks and crap like that. And how those people had more of a depressed mood and how when they were down and I could see the link.

Now scientists are finally validating all that stuff. I think one of the first people that really noticed the link was a doctor at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, a very famous institute for science. Dr. Sven Peterson is one of the first experimental biologists who actually saw the link between the gut and the brain. This would have been way back, probably in the eighties or nineties I would say, the time I was really starting to get into practice. But it's very exciting the development now with the microbiome because there are so many different research-based institutions around the world that are desperately trying to find novel new therapies to treat mental health in people, depression and anxiety in particular.

So they've one, Dr. Cray I think is his name, one research scientists, actually, compiled a list of about almost 60 substances in the gut that affect neural responses. So we know there are a lot of bacteria, for example, that produce chemicals in the gut that affect nerve endings. And these can make you feel good or make you feel bad. We're probably coming to that conclusion now. For example, we've got one called [dialysis] and [copper a coccus 00:02:23] I think is the name of this particular bacteria. Copper a coccus. So copper a coccus actually is very beneficial because it produces [beuterade] in our bowel, which is an anti-inflammatory. But guess what copper a coccus also does, it has a direct link with dopamine. Okay? With the pleasure pathway in our brain. But it makes sense, because if you think about it, if it's an anti-inflammatory agent, it can produce and it can soothe that dopamine pathway.

It may actually help to make us feel better. But we don't really know if these things actually cause depression or alleviate depression. That's the thing. We don't really know the link yet, but we definitely know there are links between the bacteria in our gut and the way we think our mood. And for that reason, I like people to avoid artificial sweeteners in their diet. Get rid of this junk, throw it in the ocean, kill all the fish, but don't eat it yourself. All right?

Get rid of this stuff. And also just the crappy food that people eat. Many people don't care or have a thought about what they put in here and how it could affect how they're feeling up there. But you don't need to be a rocket scientist to work that one out. If you eat crap, I've said this many times in this channel, you look like crap and you feel like crap. If you eat great food, you're going to look great and feel great. Now, how much more common sense do you need in that? That's like saying one and one is, hang on a minute. Is it three? I think it's two. You get my point? Eat well, feel well and be well. It's what it boils down to. Common sense. Thanks for tuning in. Don't forget there's a link below if you want my free Candida paper. Thank you.
5 سال پیش در تاریخ 1398/07/29 منتشر شده است.
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