七仙女菜園 (上) 翻土,分地,種苗。會成功嗎?Taiwanese Girl Garden: Prepping the Soil, Dividing the Land, & Planting Seed

老外爸爸 Lao Wai Ba Ba
老外爸爸 Lao Wai Ba Ba
529 هزار بار بازدید - پارسال - 好消息,漫森茶開放國際運送了!在我們的網站就可以購買好幾種單一來源優質的台灣茶:
好消息,漫森茶開放國際運送了!在我們的網站就可以購買好幾種單一來源優質的台灣茶:metsalife.com,謝謝你的支持!我們也還在賣我設計的T恤 “Explore Taiwan,” “Fatherhood,” 和 “Always Be Ready” 和新手爸爸+家庭領袖線上課程都在這裡:www.laowaibaba.com/zh-hant/shop/ 感謝! 春天在召喚大地複蘇,爬蟲和飛翔的生物從冬眠中甦醒。有一天,我們的家人醒來時萌生了,種植菜園想法,一定要再試試看。 之前,我們家曾經有偉大的務農夢想,真的開始一個菜園之後,季芳就會懷孕(已經好幾次了),很自然的我們的重心就會轉向家庭。花園可以等待,新鮮蔬菜是很容易從附近的傳統市場買到的。 但是一個新生兒,一個新的家庭成員,是無價的。 為了保持家庭的運作,季芳為了這個新生命害喜、孕吐,大約 4 個月,家裡所有的成員,都分配工作盡量讓媽媽休息,這一切都是值得的。 因此,就算我們有偉大的務農夢想,從來沒有成功,但最終的結果總是比我們預期的要好。 季芳和我現在都 40 多歲了,我們很幸運能在上帝賜我們的女孩花園裡找到幸福和快樂。 我們真的是何德何能才能有這麼好的七個孩子,真的很感激上帝。願台灣和世界各地的年輕家庭-選擇生命,而不是轉眼成空的事物。願我們生養眾多,並相信創造世界並使萬物生機勃勃的上帝會供應的一切需要。他是一位豐盛的神。 在今天的視頻中,我們分享了春季花園工作的第 1 部分 - 翻土、劃分地塊、撒子、種菜苗。 有時出去弄髒是件好事。當你把腳踩在新耕種的土地上,種下種子和嫩芽,澆灌它們,看著它們生長時,你會情不自禁地看到生命的美麗故事,並與創造一切的上帝更親近(羅馬書 1)。很快有一天,我們都會歸於塵土。 與此同時,讓我們在、我們的家中和有影響力的範圍內,不要害怕弄髒我們的手,在我們的花園裡培養、澆灌生命,更重要的是。基督是葡萄樹,我們是枝子。願我們常在祂裡面,為祂結果子。 你旅途中的兄弟~ Stephen Spring beckons the earth to come alive, and the crawling and flying creatures emerge from their wintery sleep. Our family woke up one day with the exciting idea of planting a spring garden, at least to give it another try. In years past, our family's farming ambition shot up like a young sprout reaching for the sun, only to be stopped in its tracks when Christy became pregnant, and our focus turned inward. Gardens can wait, and fresh vegetables are easy to be had from the nearby traditional market. But a new baby, a new life in the home, that's priceless. It's worth everyone chipping in to keep the home running while Mother fights the good fight, through 3 months of morning sickness, months of stretching and growing, aches and pains, emotions, and sleepless nights. So even though we've never been very successful at planting a garden, and seeing it through to harvest time, the end result has always been better than we expected. Christy and I are now in our 40's, and we're blessed to find refreshment and joy in the garden of girls that God has given us. 7 girls is a blessing that we do not deserve, but for which we are truly grateful. May young families in Taiwan and around the world choose life instead of things that perish. May we seek to be fruitful and multiply, and trust that the God who made this earth and keeps everything alive, will provide for our every need. He is a God of abundance. In today's video we share part 1 of our Spring Garden efforts- the tilling of soil, dividing plots for the girls, crafting of beds, and sewing and planting. It's good to get outside and get dirty sometimes. When you sink our feet in the freshly tilled earth and plant the seeds and sprouts and water them and watch them grow, you can't help but see the beautiful story of life and death, and feel a bit closer to the God who made it all (Rom. 1). Someday very soon we will all return to the dust. In the meantime, let's not be afraid to get our hands dirty, cultivating life in our gardens, and more importantly, in our homes, and in our spheres of influence. Christ is the vine, and we are the branches. May we abide in Him and so bear fruit for the Master Gardener. Your Brother in the Journey~ Stephen -------------------------------------------------------------------- 🏪 老外爸爸網路商店開幕了,我設計的T恤和線上課程都在這裡:www.laowaibaba.com/zh-hant/shop/ 🎗 有一些人說他們想要支持我的頻道但是不需要我線上商店任何的產品。如果您想要支持我的頻道的話,您可以考慮捐款支持。我設定了一些安全又簡單的方法, 信用卡:laowaibaba.gumroad.com/l/awsyP 銀行轉帳:www.laowaibaba.com/zh-hant/donation-transfers/ Venmo:@Stephen-Kurkinen Crypto: www.laowaibaba.com/zh-hant/crypto-donations/ 謝謝您的支持! 🤝 請記得訂閱於開始鈴鐺的通知,新的影片出來的時候你就會被通知。以後會有更多的影片,希望你會喜歡。謝謝您! 訂閱:youtube.com/c/laowaibaba/?sub_confirmation=1 👍🏻 歡迎追中我的臉書粉絲網頁:www.facebook.com/laowaibaba 🖥 如果你想看更多的老外爸爸影片與相關內容,請到: www.laowaibaba.com/zh-hant/ 謝謝你的收看! 🏠 合作邀約+個人聯絡:[email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------- 加入我其他的 Social Media: Facebook (臉書) : 老外爸爸 LaoWai BaBa Bilibili: 老外爸爸 LaoW
پارسال در تاریخ 1402/02/15 منتشر شده است.
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