Arabic Language | Arabic Numbers | Numbers in Arabic | Cardinal Numbers | Ordinal Numbers

Edupedia World by Exambyte
Edupedia World by Exambyte
19 هزار بار بازدید - 9 سال پیش - Hello everyone, Marhaban, and thank
Hello everyone, Marhaban, and thank you for watching Edupedia World videos. Let's speak Arabic by Hiba Abou Al Niaj. Today we are going to learn about numbers. This topic is important for beginners, you can use numbers when you are talking about the temperature, the age, date of birth and when you ask about price. So here we will learn about cardinal & ordinal numbers. 0 - Sifr, Sif-R 1 – Waahidun, Waa-Hi-Dun 2 – Isnaan, Is-Naan 3 – Thalaathatun, Tha-Laa-Tha-Tun 4 – Arba’atun, Ar-Ba-A’a-Tun 5 – Khamsatun, Kham-Sa-Tun 6 – Sittatun, Sit-Ta-Tun 7 – Saba’tun, Sab-A’a-Tun 8 – Thamaaniyatun, Tha-Maa-Ni-Ya-Tun 9 - Tisa’atun, Tis-A’a-Tun 10 - A’sharatun, A’a-Sha-Ra-Tun Now let's find out how to say the numbers from 11 to 19. 11- Ahada A’shar, A-Ha-Da A’a-Shar So if you have noticed that A’shar is a derivative form of the number A’sharatun. 11 is Ahada A’shar 12- Isnaa A’shar, Is-Naa A’shar 13– Thalaathata A’shar, Tha-Laa-Thata A’shar 14– Arba’ata A’shar, Arba’ata A’shar 15– Khamsata A’shar, Khamsata A’shar 16- Sittata A’shar, Sittata A’shar 17- Saba’ta A’shar, Saba’ta A’shar 18- Thamaaniyata A’shar, Thamaaniyata A’shar 19- Tisa’ata A’shar, Tisa’ata A’shar Now, how to say numbers from 20-90 20- I’shroon, I’s-Roo-N, I’shroon 30- Thalaathoon, Tha-Laa-Thoon 40– Arba’oon, Ar-Ba-O’o-N 50– Khamsoon, Kham-Soon 60– Sittoon, Sit-Toon 70– Sab’oon, Sab-O’on 80– Samaanoon, Sa-Maa-Noo-N 90- Tis’oon, Tis-O’on Now, let's see, how to say the numbers from 21- 29 So any 21 number 1 is Waahidun. 20 is I’shroon. Add in-between Wa, which means “and”. 21 - Waahidun Wa I’shroon 22 the same thing. 2 is Isnaan. 20 is I’shroon. Add Wa in between, so 22 - Isnaan Wa I’shroon 23 – Thalaathatun Wa I’shroon 24 – Arba’atun Wa I’shroon 25 - Khamsatun Wa I’shroon 26 - Sittatun Wa I’shroon 27 - Saba’tun Wa I’shroon 28 - Thamaaniyatun Wa I’shroon 29 - Tisa’atun Wa I’shroon Here we have some examples how to say the following numbers. 33- So 3 is Thalaatha, 33 is Thalaathatun Wa Thalaathoon. 56– Sittatun Wa Khamsoon. 78 – Thamaaniyatun Wa Sab’oon. 99 - Tisa’atun Wa Tis’oon. Lets carry on with more numbers: 100 is Mia’h, Mi-A’h 200 – Miataan, Mi-A Taan 300 – Thalaathu Mia’h, Thalaathu Mia’h. 400 – Arbao’o Mia’h, Arbao’o Mia’h 500 - Khamsu Mia’h, Kham-Su Mia’h 600 – Sittu Mia’h, Sittu Mia’h 700 – Sabo’o Mia’h, Sabo’o Mia’h. 800 – Thamaanu Mia’h, Thamaanu Mia’h. 900 Tiso’o Mia’h, Now we have some examples, how to read the numbers. Actually, we have 2 ways to read the numbers in Arabic. 1) You can read it from the left side 2) You can read from the right side. And I have to choose the second way which is reasonable from the right side because it is the easier. So here we have 209. If we read it from the right side, it is in Arabic, Tisa’atun Wa Miataan, Tisa’atun Wa Miataan. More examples. 513, reading from the right side is Thalaathata A’shar Wa Khamsu Mia’h. 673 is Thalaathatun Wa Sabo’on Wa Sittu Mia’h So we are reading from the right side. Now how to say one thousand: 1000 - Alf. Alf. Al-F, Alf. 2000 – Alfaan, Al-Faan Here, before we carry on, I have something to say it. In English we have singular and plural, while in Arabic we have singular, dual & plural. So to change anything from singular to the word two things, we have to add AAN, Aa and Na, at the end of the singular word. So here Alf is 1000, if you add Aan at the end of Alf, it becomes Alfaan which means 2000, and it is in the dual form. Let's continue. 3000 is Thalaathatu Aalaaf, Thalaathatu its from number 3 Aalaaf thousands. 3000 - Thalaathatu Aalaaf 4000 - Arba’atu Aalaaf 5000 - Khamsatu Aalaaf 6000 - Sittatu Aalaaf 7000 - Saba’tu Aalaaf 8000 - Thamaaniyatun Aalaaf 9000 - Tisa’atun Aalaaf. Lets see how to read 2016 starting from the right, it is Sittata A’shar Wa Alfaan. Sittata A’shar - 16 Wa Alfaan - 2000 Wa means “and”. So thats all about the cardinal numbers. Now, lets learn about the ordinal numbers. 1st - Awwal, Aw-Wa-L 2nd – Thaani, Thaa-Ni 3rd – Thaalis, Thaa-Lis 4th – Raabe’a, Raa-Be’a 5th – Khaamis, Khaa-Mis 6th – Saadis, Saa-Dis 7th Saabe’a, Saa-Be’a 8th – Thaamin, Thaa-Min 9th –Taase’a, Taa-Se’a 10th– A’ashir, A’a-Shir 11th– Alhaadi A’shar, Al-Haa-Di A’a-Shar 12h - Atthaani A’shar, At-Thaani A’shar 13th- Atthaalith A’shar, Atthaalith A’shar So if you carry on 14 till 19 it will be 14th- Arraabe’a A’shar 15th- Alkhaamis A’shar 16th- Assaadis A’shar 17th- Assaabe’a A’shar 18th- Atthaamin A’shar 19th- Attaase’a A’shar Li Mutaba’a. Be ready for the next lesson and Ma’ Assalama. Video by Edupedia World (, Free Online Education. Click here ( for more videos.
9 سال پیش در تاریخ 1394/10/06 منتشر شده است.
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