Don't go INSANE for 30 Minutes of Hel...DO THIS INSTEAD!! HOI4

110.8 هزار بار بازدید - پارسال - Credit to Hes for the
Credit to Hes for the original idea that then sparked my further exploration of capitulating and making a comeback for this achievement!

Thanks for checking out my video! 30 minutes of hel can be fun!
Music: Jak szło wojsko raz ulicą - raz, dwa, trzy
Full build and focus order below!

30 minutes of hel, but it's actually 30 minutes of heaven

delete all units
Research basic medium tank at the start so we can get enough of those to put in divisions to hold out after we do the warsaw uprising
Research the next aa tech
Research the production efficiency boost using 100% bonus
Research maintenence companies 1
Get Army chief
Get tank research speed advisor
Get industrial concern advisor
Get artillery advisor
Do improved worker conditions

After germany declares war:
Do total mobilization
Get extensive conscription
Go to free trade
Join allies
Send fleet and all planes to britain
Once we hit 60% capitulation, we can start doing a focus , prepare for the inevitable
Lendlease everything to britain once close to 100% capitulation, maybe around 95%. Then capitulate and take everything back by modifying the lendlease

After capitulating:
Instantly get the resistance artist or activist for 700 extra manpower weekly

Don't worry about the impending left and right threats, they can't do anything while we are capped except 50/50 chance a leader is assassinated and we lose stab and war support
Focus order:
prepare for the inevitable
Resistance Industries
Exile Industries
Foreign Air Support
Foreign Army Support
Expand Polish Intelligence
W imieniu Polski Podziemne
Central Defence of Poland
Foreign Naval Support
Aces in Exile
The Castle
the long push home
Warsaw uprising happens
After this, i recommend improving katowice resources and extra research slot, other than that, whatever you want

When basic medium tank finishes, research improved medium chassis
When maintenence companies 1 finishes, Research maintenence companies 2
Also will need armored trains

After first focus finishes, this will create our agency. Then we can hire the illusive gentleman.  
Get intel on the warsaw region.
After getting 3 agency upgrades, we can become spymaster for the allies.
After we have 5 factories, we should upgrade our agency repeatedly.
Make sure to get the upgrade to improve the Strengthen resistance mission
We need either one or two Strengthen resistance missions conpleted in warsaw before we can prepare the warsaw uprising.  
Make sure to prepare the uprising but don't let it commence right away.

Produce aa, support equipment (for engineers), and artillery until maintenance company 2 and improved medium tank chassis Research finishes up

Put 3 mills on producing a medium tank with improved medium chassis, improved automatic cannon, 3 extra ammunition, and 1 easy maintenence module. Plus 4 levels of additional armor
3 mills on infantry equipment, 1 on artillery, 1 on support equipment, 1 on aa.
Train 10 infantry with support aa, engineers, support artillery, and a medium tank added to the existing 18 width of infantry.
Don't give these a deployment zone

Wait about a month after barbarossa is launched, then launch your prepared warsaw uprising. If germany controls all of Poland, we get more free units

Once warsaw uprising happens, we can give our 10 troops a deployment zone and we need to pull our uprising troops into a defensive circle
In the south we we hold the river line at Krakow and kielce. In the east, hold the river near Warsaw. In the north, hold the river south of Plock
In the west, we will quickly take katowice and the german city just west of katowice for its steel. Then hold along the river to meet with the northern border
We should switch to limited exports and do the focus to expand katowice resources.  

Now we easily hold and can push out if we desire or simply get the achievement
To bait the germans to attack, simply put all the free resistance troops on training, but leave the space marine defenders with entrenchment. Then watch and laugh as the Germans destroy themselves on the space marine wall

Beg for any lendlease possible and continuously dump out units to keep getting more. Beg for convoys too. Improve relations with anyone willing to donate to the Polish cause

Getting "the long push home" focus will help them hold better

thanks to Tom for helping me with music and with testing and critique!

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پارسال در تاریخ 1401/12/05 منتشر شده است.
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