3 DAY POTTY TRAINING METHOD 101 | How I Successfully Potty Trained My 1 Year Old in 3 Days!

Gabriela Terese
Gabriela Terese
1.4 میلیون بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - FAQ & WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS BELOW👇🏼FAQ:1.

1. Do you use a diaper/pull-up at night and nap time?
Yes! I use one until they are able to go a full week with a dry diaper for nap times. We drop it completely when they are able to wakeup to go potty (usually age 4 for my kids).

2. Is juice necessary?
Yes! My kids don't drink juice regularly. But, I make the exception for potty training. They need to be peeing every 15-30 minutes for those first two days...this can't happen with water. The juice makes them want to drink, so they chug it which makes them have to pee so you get lots of practice :)

Portable Potty: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071GV1VYY/

Disposable Bags:


Why I like this method:
No bribery or crazy reward system, simply praise
No little potties or seats
No excessive amount of undies
No additional purchases other than juice
Doesn’t drag it out...Get’er Done!
Doesn’t disrupt sleep
No pull ups or special leak proof undies...EVER

Signs they are ready:
Have told you pee or poop before or during elimination
Can communicate verbally with you
Can understand commands (please go put this car in the basket over there)
Have gone a couple hrs with a dry diaper

3 Day Steps:
Teaching what an accident is and where it goes (aka not on the floor)
Teaching that we don’t pee even with clothes on and to ask to go potty
We don’t pee in our clothes when we leave the house. Teaching them to extend their potty time

Things You Will Need:
Juice, undies (5-10 pairs), paper towels, towels, cleaner, watch or timer (Apple Watch is perfect!)
3 days completely blocked off. Not a single errand. No playing outside. No friends or family over. Zero distractions for you. No cooking big meals (hello crockpot). Arrange childcare for older/younger kids if needed. You are glued to your toddler that first day.

Day 1:
Eat breakfast with diaper and clothes still on
Load in juice...keep it coming all day
Set a timer for 15 min
Change them into JUST a shirt; no undies or pull-ups
Repeat “We go pee and poo poo in the potty”
Keep child away from carpeted surfaces if possible
When timer goes off, take them to the potty without asking them
If they don’t go, set the timer for 5 min. Repeat 5 min timer until they go
When they pee on the floor (they will), say very calmly “uh oh pee pee goes in the potty”, quickly pick them up mid-pee and rush to the big potty and let them finish on the potty (they may not the first few times)
Praise and cheer for any drop of pee that goes in!
Repeat. All. Day.

Remember: They may have never seen their pee come out. They are learning what it is, the sensation of peeing without a diaper, and where it's supposed to go

Ask them if they need to go. The answer will always be no for them
Scold, yell, or say no when they pee or poop on the floor
Don’t use undies that first day
Don’t make them sit for longer than 1-2 minutes MAX

Big Potty
If you only use a small potty, they will only be comfortable with a small potty. Then you will have to do yet another transition. That first day is really great for getting them confident on a big potty. Scoot them way back, spread their legs far apart, they hold onto the front of the seat. Hold onto their hands for stability.

Naptime and Bedtime
Sleep time is an unnecessary time to try and potty train in my opinion. Use a diaper. Too much unnecessary stress on the parents and child for something biologically controlled. One day it will click. If he goes a week with a dry pull up then switch to undies. (Remember this may not happen until they are in kindergarten!)

This is very scary for them and may not happen for a long time. They will do it on their own timing. That’s OK!

Day 2:
Take potty
Change into undies and a shirt (NOT leak proof undies...too similar to a diaper and you can’t see it)
Repeat: “Pee and Poop go in the potty”. “Tell me when you have to go potty”
Lots of Juice
Set timer for 20 min
Don’t freak out if they start out the day regressing in undies...don’t give up!
After 20 min, take them potty (take off undies)
Set timer for 5 min if they do not go (repeat 5 min until they go or have an accident)
When they pee their undies, rush to the potty, if they finish in the potty...PRAISE!
Repeat. All. Day

Eventually they will start to go in their undies and stop part way and tell you "pee pee". This took 2 times for James and all day for Cade. Both are wins.

Day 3:
Take Potty
Put on clothes
NO TIMMER They will probably pee every 1 hr or so (keep an eye on the time)
Have a successful pee before leaving the house
Pack a change of clothes and portable potty
30 min to 1 hr outing MAX
Try using the portable potty when you arrive at your location in the car and right before you head home
Potty as soon as you get home

If you try it and it’s too much, don’t give up! Give yourself those full 3 days. Don’t ever give in to pull-ups!
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