2024 | BHAGAVAD GITA | SUMMARY | Chapter 6 Dhyān Yog | The Yog of Meditation | Formula 44

Chit chat over divine chai with Rajesh Anand
Chit chat over divine chai with Rajesh Anand
59 بار بازدید - ماه قبل - Chapter 6: Dhyān Yog The
Chapter 6: Dhyān Yog The Yog of Meditation (Source: Bhagavad Gita - The Song of God by Swami Mukundanand) 6.1 श्रीभगवानुवाच | अनाश्रित: कर्मफलं कार्यं कर्म करोति य: | स संन्यासी च योगी च न निरग्निर्न चाक्रिय: || śhrī bhagavān uvācha anāśhritaḥ karma-phalaṁ kāryaṁ karma karoti yaḥ sa sannyāsī cha yogī cha na niragnir na chākriyaḥ The Supreme Lord said: Those who perform prescribed duties without desiring the results of their actions are actual sanyāsīs (renunciates) and yogis, not those who have merely ceased performing sacrifices such as Agnihotra yajna or abandoned bodily activities. 6.5 उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत् | आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धुरात्मैव रिपुरात्मन: || uddhared ātmanātmānaṁ nātmānam avasādayet ātmaiva hyātmano bandhur ātmaiva ripur ātmanaḥ Elevate yourself through the power of your mind, and not degrade yourself, for the mind can be the friend and also the enemy of the self. 6.11 शुचौ देशे प्रतिष्ठाप्य स्थिरमासनमात्मन: | नात्युच्छ्रितं नातिनीचं चैलाजिनकुशोत्तरम् || śhuchau deśhe pratiṣhṭhāpya sthiram āsanam ātmanaḥ nātyuchchhritaṁ nāti-nīchaṁ chailājina-kuśhottaram To practice Yog, one should make an āsan (seat) in a sanctified place, by placing Kuśh grass, deer skin, and a cloth, one over the other. The āsan should be neither too high nor too low. 6.14 प्रशान्तात्मा विगतभीर्ब्रह्मचारिव्रते स्थित: | मन: संयम्य मच्चित्तो युक्त आसीत मत्पर: || praśhāntātmā vigata-bhīr brahmachāri-vrate sthitaḥ manaḥ sanyamya mach-chitto yukta āsīta mat-paraḥ Thus, with a serene, fearless, and unwavering mind, and staunch in the vow of celibacy, the vigilant yogi should meditate on Me, having Me alone as the supreme goal. 6.17 युक्ताहारविहारस्य युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु | युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दु:खहा || yuktāhāra-vihārasya yukta-cheṣhṭasya karmasu yukta-svapnāvabodhasya yogo bhavati duḥkha-hā But those who are temperate in eating and recreation, balanced in work, and regulated in sleep, can mitigate all sorrows by practicing Yog. 6.20 यत्रोपरमते चित्तं निरुद्धं योगसेवया | यत्र चैवात्मनात्मानं पश्यन्नात्मनि तुष्यति || yatroparamate chittaṁ niruddhaṁ yoga-sevayā yatra chaivātmanātmānaṁ paśhyann ātmani tuṣhyati When the mind, restrained from material activities, becomes still by the practice of Yog, then the yogi is able to behold the soul through the purified mind, and he rejoices in the inner joy. 6.30 यो मां पश्यति सर्वत्र सर्वं च मयि पश्यति | तस्याहं न प्रणश्यामि स च मे न प्रणश्यति || yo māṁ paśhyati sarvatra sarvaṁ cha mayi paśhyati tasyāhaṁ na praṇaśhyāmi sa cha me na praṇaśhyati For those who see Me everywhere and see all things in Me, I am never lost, nor are they ever lost to Me. 6.35 श्रीभगवानुवाच | असंशयं महाबाहो मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम् | अभ्यासेन तु कौन्तेय वैराग्येण च गृह्यते || śhrī bhagavān uvācha asanśhayaṁ mahā-bāho mano durnigrahaṁ chalam abhyāsena tu kaunteya vairāgyeṇa cha gṛihyate Lord Krishna said: O mighty-armed son of Kunti, what you say is correct; the mind is indeed very difficult to restrain. But by practice and detachment, it can be controlled. 6.40 श्रीभगवानुवाच | पार्थ नैवेह नामुत्र विनाशस्तस्य विद्यते | न हि कल्याणकृत्कश्चिद्दुर्गतिं तात गच्छति || śhrī bhagavān uvācha pārtha naiveha nāmutra vināśhas tasya vidyate na hi kalyāṇa-kṛit kaśhchid durgatiṁ tāta gachchhati The Supreme Lord said: O Parth, one who engages on the spiritual path does not meet with destruction either in this world or the world to come. My dear friend, one who strives for God-realization is never overcome by evil. 6.47 योगिनामपि सर्वेषां मद्गतेनान्तरात्मना | श्रद्धावान्भजते यो मां स मे युक्ततमो मत: || yoginām api sarveṣhāṁ mad-gatenāntar-ātmanā śhraddhāvān bhajate yo māṁ sa me yuktatamo mataḥ Of all yogis, those whose minds are always absorbed in Me, and who engage in devotion to Me with great faith, them I consider to be the highest of all.
ماه قبل در تاریخ 1403/05/14 منتشر شده است.
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