45.5 هزار بار بازدید - 9 سال پیش - 10 BEST PLACES TO MEET
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You've all heard the definition of insanity right, it's doing the same thing over and over and excepting a different outcome.

If you're a single guy who wishes you had a girlfriend and you're spending every Friday and Saturday night at bars, clubs and pubs but not meeting anyone, guess what?

Yep you guessed it, your a bit insane. Not to mention the fact that a bar, club or pub is filled with other guys all competing for the same girls, and girls that are programmed to be standing, sitting or dancing in front of invisible fuck you walls because most guys are so sleazy when out at these establishments.

Throw in expensive cover charge, pricey drinks and a dreadful hangover and you must be left thinking that there has to be better places to meet women right?

Well there is, and today I'm going to tell you 10 of the best places to meet women and why.

Place number one is any form of volunteering activity. This is great because a) you're doing a great thing regardless of whether you meet someone, b) any girls that are there giving up their time to volunteer are obviously nice people and c) there is likely to be mothers and grandmothers volunteering. And we all know that a mother or grandmother who has a single daughter or grand daughter is constantly playing match maker.

Place number two is a boat cruise. Now I know what your thinking and I don't blame you.

When I said boat cruise you automatically began to picture old ladies in one piece swim suits and saggy boobs and old dudes with wrinkly skin wearing speedos.

Well did you know that there are age specific boat cruises as well as age specific singles boat cruises.

So unlike the clubs and bars where you can violate women and they just get on up and leave, unless your unlucky enough to choose a cruise with a whole bunch of professional female swimmers, they've got nowhere to go.

I'm only joking but you do see my point.

Place number three is going to dancing classes like hip hop that doesn't require a partner.

Unlike bars, clubs and pubs, AKA competitive sausage feats. A dance class will be heavily populated by women and there is likely to be very few guys in the class.

Add to this the fact that women will admire your courage and confidence for attending, the girls will be wearing revealing or at least tight fitting clothing and you will be developing a skill that all women find undeniably sexy.

Place number four is a wine tasting event which will likely attract some refined and classy women who appreciate the finer things in life.

Place number five is dog parks. You wouldn't believe how easily and naturally you can start conversations with total strangers at a dog park.

Everyone there is genuinely interested in dogs and love talking about their fury child and asking others about theirs.

So if you're single and have a dog, make sure you're going to dog parks and if you don't have a dog then consider buying or borrowing one.

Place number six is health and fitness related classes like cardio, yoga and Pilates classes which are full of women and the feel good endorphins that are released during exercise.

Place number seven is trivia nights which are likely to attract smart women or at least social women who are willing to get out of the house mid week to try something different.

Place number eight is the gym which certainly provides dual benefits for both your health and social life.

If your going to get fit and put on some muscle, why not do so in an environment that opens up the opportunity to meet new women.

Place number nine is skill based classes such as cooking and art.

Whilst not a factual statement, I am confident these types of classes would consist of more males than females and would be lower key settings where women would not be on high alert for sleazy men like many women are in bars, clubs and pubs.

And place number ten is a karaoke establishment but more so the open mic variety as opposed to the karaoke booths that seem more common place.

Much like with the dancing classes, even if you can't hold a tune, women will admire your confidence and willingness to step outside your comfort zone and it's a bit easier to talk to a lady in this setting as you can make reference to a song she sung or how bad one of her friends sounded.

So there we have it, you now have a range of options other than the usual party scene and hopefully have a better idea of the best places to meet women.

So don't be insane and keep going to the same places and expecting to meet women if it's not happening for you, use today's list to try some new ways to meet that special lady and I expect an invite to your weddings.
9 سال پیش در تاریخ 1394/06/27 منتشر شده است.
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