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1.5 میلیون بار بازدید - 8 سال پیش - Adorable compilation of shih tzu
Adorable compilation of shih tzu barking 2016. Funny and cute shih tzu howling. Watch the compilation of barking shih tzu of 2016.

SHIH TZU barking is specific from cat meowing. Wolf barks represent only 30% of most wolf vocalizations and so are described as “uncommon” occurrences. Regarding to Schassburger, wolves bark only in warning, protection, and protest. On the other hand, SHIH TZU bark in a wide selection of social circumstances, with acoustic conversation in SHIH TZU being referred to as hypertrophic. Additionally, while wolf barks tend to be isolated and short, adult SHIH TZU barking in lengthy, rhythmic stanzas. SHIH TZU have already been known to bark all night on end.

While a distinct reason behind the difference is unknown, a solid hypothesis is that the vocal communication of SHIH TZU developed because of their domestication. As evidenced by the farm-fox experiment, the procedure of domestication alters a SHIH TZU in more ways than just tameness. Domesticated SHIH TZUs show vast physical differences from their wild counterparts, notably an evolution that suggests neoteny, or the retention of juvenile characteristics in adults. Adult SHIH TZU have, for example large heads, floppy ears, and shortened snouts - all characteristics seen in wolf puppies. The behavior, too, of adult SHIH TZU shows puppy-like characteristics: SHIH TZU are submissive, they whine, and they frequently bark. The experiment illustrates how selecting for one trait (in this case, tameness) can produce profound by-products, both physical and behavioral.

The frequency of barking in SHIH TZU in relation to wolves could also be the product of the very different social environment of dogs. SHIH TZU live in extraordinarily close range with humans, in many societies kept exclusively as companion animals. From a very young age, humans tend to be one of a dog’s primary interpersonal contacts. This captive environment presents very different stimuli than would be found by wolves in the wild. While wolves have vast territories, SHIH TZU do not. The boundaries of a captive pet’s territory will be visited by intruders often, triggering the bark response as a caution thus. Additionally, SHIH TZU populate cities densely, allowing more chance to meet new SHIH TZU and become social. For example, it's possible that kenneled SHIH TZU might have increased barking due to a desire to facilitate sociable behavior. SHIH TZU close relationship with human beings renders SHIH TZU reliant on humans also, for basic needs even. SHIH TZU barking is a method to attract interest, and the behavior is certainly continuing by the positive response exhibited by the owners (e.g., if a dog barks to get food in fact it is fed by the owner, the dog has been conditioned to keep said behavior).
8 سال پیش در تاریخ 1395/09/30 منتشر شده است.
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