1034+ 日本がすべての文明の発祥地であったJapan Land is Birthplace of Whole Civilizations

Hiroshi Hayashi
Hiroshi Hayashi
309 هزار بار بازدید - 10 سال پیش - 1034(1033改)History of Gods+Japan-Land is the
History of Gods+Japan-Land is the Birthplace of Whole Civilizations(神々の歴史+日本がすべての文明の発祥地であった)
Origin of Humans by Z. Sitchin, Enki vs. Enlil(シッチン説による人間の起源、エンキとエンリル)

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
And, behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east,.... The God of Israel is Jehovah the Father, the covenant God of literal Israel;

見ろ、イスラエルの神の栄光は、東洋(the East)からやってきた。イスラエルの神はエホバ(Jehovah)、すなわち、父なるイスラエルの神である。(エゼキエルEzekiel 43:2)

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

Jomon Period in Japan is the dawn-time for all civilizations of the world. First all Gods came down onto this Japan-Land and it was beginning of the history for humans.
Ahura Mazda (or his subject with his authority) came to Idoziri, Nagano, Japan
Mystery of Do-ki and Do-gu(Earthenware and Clay Figures in Japan)
Mystery of Clay Figures and Earthenware and its answer at Idoziri Acheological Museuma, Nagano, Japan.  Jomon civilization is Father of other civilizations around the Pacific Ocean, including such as Maya, Inca and American Indians, and ALL!

どなたもアイデア、理論の盗用、流用、転用はできません。とくにマスコミ関係の方は、固く禁じます。No one can use my ideas and theories in any case.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Aug. 31th , 2014
10 سال پیش در تاریخ 1393/06/09 منتشر شده است.
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