The Apple Watch ECG - A Cardiologist's Opinion

Dr. Monali Desai
Dr. Monali Desai
14.5 هزار بار بازدید - 6 سال پیش - The Benefits of the Apple
The Benefits of the Apple Watch ECG
A few of you have asked me about the Apple Watch and it's ECG capability. The Apple Watch now has the capability to show you a one lead ECG/EKG or electrocardiogram of your heart. That's versus if you go to the doctor's office where you'll get a 12 lead ECG. A 12 lead ECG does provide more information than a one lead ECG. The one lead ECG on the Apple Watch can potentially show you if you have an abnormal heart rhythm, like atrial fibrillation.

What is Atrial Fibrillation?
You might be wondering what atrial fibrillation is? It's an irregular heart rhythm which may or may not cause you to have symptoms. Atrial fibrillation does increase your risk of forming blood clots which can cause a stroke, among other things. That's why you would want to find out about atrial fibrillation if you had it. The risk of developing atrial fibrillation over your lifetime is 20-25%, that risk increases as you get older. That's the benefit of the Apple Watch's ECG capabilities, is that you could find out about an irregular heart rhythm that you didn't know you had.

The Downside of the Apple Watch ECG
The downside is that because it's only a one lead ECG it could give you inconclusive results or flag something as abnormal which is actually normal or vice versa. So you may end up going to the doctor's office unnecessarily when everything is fine. But if your Apple Watch does flag something as abnormal you should definitely go to the doctor's office, it's always better to be safe than sorry.

Is It a Good Gift for Your Parents?
The other thing you might be wondering is if this is a good gift for your parent's if they have heart disease? It's actually better suited for someone who is healthy and doesn't have heart disease. Someone with heart disease usually needs more information than what a one lead ECG can provide.

Should You Gift Yourself with the Apple Watch?
That's why it's a better gift for someone who is healthy without heart disease. For your heart the more useful capability is the heart rate monitoring. It's a good gift for someone who's into fitness, training or trying to lose weight. When you're working out, for an optimal cardiovascular workout, your goal heart rate is 70-85% of your maximal predicted heart rate. If you're trying to lose weight, to optimally burn fat, it's ideal to get your heart rate over 70% of your maximal predicted heart rate. This is to get a good fat burning workout and also to get a good cardiovascular workout. In my opinion, the heart rate monitoring is the most useful capability of the Apple Watch from a heart standpoint. Although the ECG part of it is cool and probably fun to look at, to see what your electrocardiogram looks like. The more useful part from a heart standpoint is the heart rate monitoring.

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6 سال پیش در تاریخ 1397/09/23 منتشر شده است.
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