Pre Tribulation Rapture Chuck Missler 1 of 2 Last Days Final Hour News

336 هزار بار بازدید - 11 سال پیش - Pre Tribulation Rapture Of The
Pre Tribulation Rapture Of The Church   1 of 2 - Chuck Missler Final Hour Last Days end times news prophecy update
2 of 2 Pre Tribulation Rapture 2 of 2 Chuck ...

2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy wars leading to Armageddon Bible Prophecy wars leading to Armage...

Pretribulation means that all Born Again Christians (dead and alive) in the bible John 3:3 Jesus speaking on being born again to go to heaven. (Are you born again?) will be taken bodily up to Heaven (called the Rapture meaning caught up in the air 1 Thessalonians 4;17) before the Tribulation begins. Every Born Again Christian that has ever existed throughout the course of the entire Christian era will be instantaneously transformed into a perfect resurrected body, and will thus escape the trials of the Tribulation. Those who become Christians after the rapture will live through (or perish during) the Tribulation. After the Tribulation, Christ will return to establish His Millennial Kingdom.

The signs of the times make it clear we are in the last days events happening now in the middle east leading up to the main biblical event the 7 year tribulation.
Matthew 24:21 - For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. In the last days, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Russia and a few other Middle East countries will form an alliance and attack Israel (Ezekiel 38 & 39). Most of these countries are already allied together. so the pre-tribulation rapture could happen any day and then the 7 year period tribulation will begin.

The Rapture is a term in Christian eschatology which refers to the "being caught up" discussed in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, when the "dead in Christ" and "we who are alive and remain" will be "caught up in the clouds" to meet "the Lord in the air". This happens before the 7 year tribulation explained in the bible of God's wrath on mankind for rejecting Jesus is God and not choosing to be born again as mentioned the words of Jesus John 3:3

The term "Pre Tribulation Rapture" Means a group of people will be left behind on earth after another group literally leaves "to meet the Lord in the air." This is now the most common use of the term, especially among fundamentalist Christians.

More teachings by Chuck Missler

Charles "Chuck" Missler is an author, evangelical Christian, Bible teacher, former businessman and US Air Force officer. He is the founder of the Koinonia House ministry based in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

Missler was for several years the chairman, the chief executive, and the largest shareholder of Western Digital. In 1983 he became the chairman and chief executive of Helionetics Inc., another technology company. After teaching for many years at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, Missler moved to Coeur d'Alene in 1992 and founded Koinonia House. Through this organization, Missler distributes a monthly newsletter, Bible study tapes, and a radio show, and speaks at conferences.

Missler is a prominent speaker on the subject of bible prophecy. Missler has had numerous programs aired on the Christian television station GOD TV, namely the DVD versions of his biblical studies "Learn the Bible in 24 Hours", "The Book of Revelation", "The Book of Genesis", and "The Book of Daniel.

A YouTube video in which Missler uses a jar of peanut butter to attempt to disprove evolution attracted media attention in 2007-2008.

2002 Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Pub: Nelson Books
2006 Prophecy 20/20: Profiling the Future Through the Lens of Scripture Pub: Thomas Nelson
Alien Encounters: The Secret Behind the UFO Phenomenon. Koinonia House. 2003. ISBN
Eastman, Mark, & Missler, Chuck (1995). The Creator: Beyond Time & Space. Word For Today.
Cosmic Codes: Hidden Messages From the Edge of Eternity. Koinonia House. 2004.  Hidden Treasures in the Biblical Text. Koinonia House. 2000.
Missler, Chuck and Nancy Missler (2012). The Kingdom, Power, & Glory: The Overcomer's Handbook. The King's High Way Ministries.
Missler, Chuck and Nancy Missler (2004). Why Should I Be the First to Change?: The Key to a Loving Marriage. Koinonia House.
11 سال پیش در تاریخ 1392/06/18 منتشر شده است.
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