🌏 周深《隨風》往事在風中肆無忌憚 似過去 卻未走遠 ... ♥•♪♫*

Music13ilove • 宇宙和諧  世界一家  •
Music13ilove • 宇宙和諧 世界一家 •
1.2 میلیون بار بازدید - 6 سال پیش - — ♥ Translated by Emily
— ♥ Translated by Emily Koh 永远深迷 ❤ 翻译 ♥ — 随风 周深 Flow with the Wind: Zhou Shen 影视剧 古董局中局 插曲 Film and television drama, antique bureau, middle game, episode 作词:于庆 & 任雅静 Lyricist: Yu Qing & Ren Yajing 作曲:任雅静 & 孙伟 Composer: Ren Yajing & Sun Wei ☀️🌬❄️🌧💕 ☀️🌬❄️🌧💕 更暗 夜更暗 Darker, the night gets darker. 回头空街一段 Looking back, a deserted section of the street. 弥漫 风弥漫 Widespread, the wind is widespread. 四季推波助澜 The four seasons have added “fuel to the flames” 大雨将悲欢都冲淡 The heavy rain dampens the joys and sorrows. 往事在风中肆无忌惮 The bygones are mercilessly stirred up by the wind. 看似过去 却从未走远 Looks like the past has not gone far. 拥抱的温存 梦醒一半 The warmth of the embrace lingers on in semi-consciousness. 哦 道别声还在耳畔 Oh, the sound of farewell is still in my ears. 哦 诉说声不忍再看 Oh, the sound of our conversations, I can’t bear to recall. 哦 命运声风轻云淡 Oh, the sound of fate is “like light breeze and fine clouds” (meaning fine and good) 哦 让是非与你无关 Oh, let no gossips affect you. 我的慌乱 我的伪装 My worries, my pretenses, 我的不舍 被你一眼看穿 my reluctance are easily seen through by you. 情剪不断 也不愿剪断 Love how ever cannot be severed , and there’s no wish to do so. 再见难说 故事还没完 Goodbye is hard to say, the story is not done yet. 道别 又道别 汽笛声在呼唤 Farewell and goodbye, the whistle is blowing. 想念 还想念 往事被泪晕染 Missing, longing, the bygones are smudged by tears. 月光将迷雾都驱散 Moonlight clears all the fog 回忆似梦境又似迷幻 Memories seem like dreams and seem like illusions, 看似过去 却还在纠缠 looks like it’s passed, but it’s still lingering on. 拥抱的温存 随风而散 The tenderness of the hug, is shattered by the wind. 道别声还在耳畔 哦 The sound of farewell is still in my ears, oh! 诉说声不忍再看 哦 The sound of our conversations, I can’t bear to recall, oh! 命运声风轻云淡 哦 The sound of fate is “like light breeze and fine clouds” (meaning fine and good) oh! 让是非与你无关 Let no gossips affect you. 我的慌乱 我的伪装 My worries, my pretenses, 我的不舍 被你一眼看穿 my reluctance are easily seen through by you 情剪不断 也不愿剪断 Love, how ever cannot be severed , and there’s no wish to do so. 再见难说 故事还没完 哦~ Goodbye is hard to say, the story is not done yet. Oh! 啊~ 哦 让是非与你无关 Ah~ Oh, Let no gossips affect you. 我的慌乱 我的伪装 My worries, my pretenses, 我的不舍 被你一眼看穿 my reluctance are easily seen through by you. 情剪不断 也不愿剪断 Love, how ever cannot be severed , and there’s no wish to do so. 再见难说 故事还没完 Goodbye is hard to say, the story is not done yet. ☀️🌬❄️🌧💕 ☀️🌬❄️🌧💕 Translated by Emily Koh 永远深迷❤翻译---- ---------- 《隨風》 演唱:周深 作詞:余慶 & 任雅靜 作曲:任雅靜 & 孫偉 影視劇《古董局中局》插曲 更暗 夜更暗 回頭空街一段 彌漫 風彌漫 四季推波助瀾 大雨將悲歡都沖淡 往事在風中肆無忌憚 看似過去 卻從未走遠 擁抱的溫存 夢醒一半 哦 道別聲還在耳畔 哦 訴說聲不忍再看 哦 命運聲風輕雲淡 哦 讓是非與你無關 我的慌亂 我的偽裝 我的不舍 被你一眼看穿 情剪不斷 也不願剪斷 再見難說 故事還沒完 道別 又道別 汽笛聲在呼喚 想念 還想念 往事被淚暈染 月光將迷霧都驅散 回憶似夢境又似迷幻 看似過去 卻還在糾纏 擁抱的溫存 隨風而散 道別聲還在耳畔 哦 訴說聲不忍再看 哦 命運聲風輕雲淡 哦 讓是非與你無關 我的慌亂 我的偽裝 我的不舍 被你一眼看穿 情剪不斷 也不願剪斷 再見難說 故事還沒完 哦~ 啊~ 哦 讓是非與你無關 我的慌亂 我的偽裝 我的不舍 被你一眼看穿 情剪不斷 也不願剪斷 再見難說 故事還沒完 (photos from pu
6 سال پیش در تاریخ 1397/11/28 منتشر شده است.
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