一年見一次的濟公師父,甲辰年進香謁祖 —— 師父說

15.2 هزار بار بازدید - 5 ماه پیش - 內容重點: 你現在最重要的是什麼呢? What's most important
內容重點: 你現在最重要的是什麼呢? What's most important to you right now? 是自立自強 It's about being independent and improving yourself. 你解釋看看 什麼叫自立自強 Can you explain what that means? 弟子回: Disciple's reply: 能夠自己好好的生活這樣嗎? So, it's about being able to live well by myself? 然後..就是能夠在各方面獨立吧(經濟獨立) And being self-sufficient in all aspects, like financially? ____ 自立自強這個意思呢 So, what's being independent and improving yourself really about? 師父用最簡單的方式講好了 就是這個 "三明智" The master simplifies it as the "Three Wise Acts." 三明智 Three Wise Acts: 第一個 First, 自立自強不是要你好好賺錢 It's not just about making money. 要懂得愛自己 It's about truly loving and caring for yourself. 至於什麼是愛呢? What does that love look like? 就要好好的斟酌囉 That need to take some time to think about it. 是不是? right ? 第二個 Second, 懂得保護自己 Knowing how to look out for yourself and stay safe. 第三個 Third, 要好好的照亮自己 Illuminate yourself. 這三件事是不是說起來很簡單呢?怎麼做? Sounds simple, right? But how do you actually do it? #要怎麼愛自己呢 #How do you love yourself? #要如何保護自己呢 #How do you look out for yoursel #要如何照亮自己呢 #How do you illuminate yourself? 所以你心中呢 要有三明智真言 So, keep these three things in mind: 第一件事情 First, 要先懂愛,愛是什麼? Understand what love really means. 第二件事情 Second, 什麼叫好好的保護自己? What is look out for yourself? 首先 First 你就要先懂 you need to understand 為什麼我需要保護自己呢? Why should I need to look out for myself ? 第二個 Second 什麼會讓我受傷害呢? What are the things that might hurt me? 這個時候就需要智慧了 This is where wisdom comes in. 那智慧呢 To gain wisdom, 你就要常常回來聽大師父(道濟禪師)好好講解(上課) keep listening to Master Daoji's teachings regularly. 第三個 Third, 照亮自己 怎麼照? How do you illuminate yourself? 不是拿手機整天照亮自己 It's not about taking selfies or playing on your phone all the time. 你要怎麼生活? 你要怎麼過日子 Think about how you want to live your life. 這個才是你最後講到了 你要靠自己 Ultimately, you need to stand on your own feet, 經濟獨立 Be financially independent. 自由自在才能有可能的 Freedom is only possible then #道濟禪堂 #濟公菩薩 #道濟禪師 #漸強記號 #天上聖母 #虎爺 #千順將軍 #黑虎將軍 #金虎爺 #金虎將軍 #黑虎爺 #山君尊神 #中壇元帥 #中天御林神將中軍正駕中壇元帥 #新港奉天宮 #朴子配天宮 #樸仔媽 #配天延靈 #奉天延靈 #港口延靈 #媽祖 #廣澤尊王#郭聖王 #吳王 #吳府三王 #玄天上帝 #吳府三千歲 #蹺腳王爺 #伏虎師父 #道濟延靈
5 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1403/01/20 منتشر شده است.
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