No One Told Them About The Danger | Sky Lease Cargo Floght 4854

Mini Air Crash Investigation
Mini Air Crash Investigation
61 هزار بار بازدید - 12 ماه پیش - This is the story of
This is the story of sky lease cargo flight ___. Now ive covered a multitude of accidents on this channel. Ranging from small planes to huge ones like the 747, i love covering the 747 because its just so huge and such a great airplane and the stories involving the 747 are always fantastic and the story of flight __ is just that. On the 7th of november 2018 a 21 year old boeing 747 had to make the log flight from chicagos ohare international airport to changsha international airport in changsha china but it first had to make a quick stop in halifax to pick up some cargo, the plane would then leave for ted stevens international airport where it would be refuled and after that it was a quick hop across the pacific to get to china. So with that the plane left o'hare at 12:30 pm UTC and it climbed away from chicago when the plane was in the air the pilots were getting information about the state of the airport at halifax. They got to know that the ladning runway was runway 14 and the departing runway was runway 23 and that the runways were wet. On top of that the ILs for runway 23 and runway 5 were unserviceable. So yeah the crew were like runway 23 is not available for landing. So the pilots got together and conducted a ;landing briefing for runway 14. They talked about the landing distance that they would need to stop the plane the level of braking that would be required the landing weight all the things that you would need to stop the plane in time. When the plane was 153 nautical miles from halifax they started the descent into the airport. Since the airport was that busy the controller cleared the 747 in directly to the intermediate approach fix for runway 14. But at 4:54 am UTC the tower had a change of heart and then changed the active runway from runway 14 to runway 23 due to a change in the wind. Now the easiest approach would be the  RNAV or area navigation approach to runway 23. But this change was not communicated to the crew. At 5:02 am the 747 was 8.6 nautical miles from the runway and the winds at 260 degrees at 16 knots gusting to 21 knots. This would give them a 7 knot tail wind and the controller was like are you guys okay with this? The crew had a quick discussion and then they were like yep were good runway 14 works for us. So the approach to runway 14 was continued, The plane was at 164 knots and it was just 4 nautical miles from the runway. Then just a minute and 21 seconds from the threshold of runway the pilots confirmed that they had a persistent tailwind. The pilots went over the go around procedure just in case talking about the headings and altitudes that they would fl at if they did have to go around. Then at 400 feet of altitude the pilot flying disengaged the autopilot and then hand flew the plane down to the runway. But things were now starting to go wrong the the plane was a bit higher than it was supposed to be at, the plane was supposed to be at 50 feet as it crossed the threshold of runway 14 but it was at 62 feet. The ginat plane also drifted to the left of the center line by 27 feet. But the 747 touched down firmly 1350 feet past the threshold of runway 14. But once on the ground the pilots were concerned the 747 was not slowing down as they expected the jet still had so much speed. The pilot flying knew that something was wrong the aitobrakes had not kicked in yet they were like a runway train on this runway he just says max braking and then slams on the brakes as he tries his best to keep the plane on the centerline. But the plane had eaten up too much runway and it was going way too fast for the plane to stop in time. The end of the runway was right there just 800 feet away and they were still at  100 knots. Just for some context thats like trying to stop a train thats going at a 115 miles an hour in 800 feet, yeah thats not happening. And this giant 747 went off the runway at 77 knots the gear dug into the soft mud but it wasnt enough to slow the plane down. Th jet went right into the ILS antenna for the runway but thankfully the giant jet came to a stop juts a few feet away from a public road. The plane was in one piece and one of the pilots had been lightly injured by the emergency escape devices in the cockpit that had come undone during the crash. But they all made it.
12 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/06/20 منتشر شده است.
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