Tapeworm Symptoms -- With Simple Ideas to Kill Them!

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Today I'm going to share a few of the most common tapeworm symptoms and how to kill it if you're infected.

Just so we are all on the same page a tapeworm is a worm that lives in your digestive system that eats your food.

I know what some of you might be thinking out there. If I have a tapeworm that eats my food then that means I can eat more food and not gain weight.

Yes, there is a chance that is going to happen, but there are a few problems to this.

One of them is that tapeworms eat vitamins and nutrients that humans need. Second tapeworms have babies that travel around. What if one of these babies would travel to where the brain is?

The bad news is sometimes these worms produce no symptoms, and just like with cancer or high blood pressure can be a silent killer. Only after it causes all kinds of damage to people realize what is going on.

The most common way someone can tell if they have a tapeworm is by looking at their stools or poop. Yes it does sound gross, but looking at your stools can tell you a lot about your health. If you notice parts of a worm possibly moving, that could indicate you got a tapeworm infestation.

Another symptom that may take place would be stomach pains. Pain may be unpleasant, but is a survival mechanism that tells someone something is wrong in a particular area.

Your body itself is a superb machine and may do things like cause you to be nauseous, weak or cause rapid diarrhea. These are all symptoms that the body is trying to eliminate the worm.

Other symptoms of this tapeworm might be abnormal vitamin or mineral deficiencies, hunger or loss of an appetite and yes possibly weight loss.

Oh and if your still thinking of getting a tapeworm to help yourself lose some unwanted belly fat, another danger is that the worm could actually block the intestines. I'm not going to go into detail on why a blocked intestine is bad, but I think we all know that we don't want it.

Lastly the only way to truly tell if someone has this annoying worm growing inside them would be to get some tests done by a medical professional. One of the most popular treatments of this worm would be a drug that kills it called Praziquantel. The problem with this drug is that it's expensive and well you know there is going to be some bad side effects.

This is why I usually recommend herbal remedies and supplements when possible. If you think you have a tapeworm, maybe that's why you're reading this article you could take garlic. Garlic has long been known to kill parasites like this worm.

Another herb you could try is pumpkin seeds. Try large amounts up to 25 ounces to destroy it and then clean the intestines with a laxative you can get at a drug store. Another thing you can do is to stop eating sugary food, because the worms like that.

There are a few other treatment options available such as goldenseal, a herb interestingly called wormwood and even diatomaceous earth, which is a bug killer you can eat.

Dietary supplements and herbal remedies are unregulated in many countries and this means there are some crappy products. To make things easier for you I have created a report and video guide on shopping for these products.

It talks about what to look for, herbs to consider for medical conditions as well as some dangers that many people don't know about. Oh, and this video guide is completely free and you can learn more by clicking on the link http://texasvitamins.com/go/youtube.html.
10 سال پیش در تاریخ 1393/02/10 منتشر شده است.
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