Money Miracle - Attract Amazing Money Miracles into Your Life - Affirmations

Rockstar Affirmations
Rockstar Affirmations
489 هزار بار بازدید - 8 سال پیش - The theory (we believe The theory (we believe it is much more than just a theory!) is that when you first start saying your positive affirmations, they may not be true, but with repetition they sink into your subconscious mind, you really start to believe them, and eventually they become your reality, they become a self fulfilling prophecy and actually become true. Over time they overwrite any limiting or negative beliefs you may have about yourself or about not being able to do something, and replace them with positive thoughts and beliefs which instill confidence, belief, positivity, ambition and much more. CAUTION: DO NOT LISTEN IF YOU HAVE HAD SEIZURES OR EPILEPSY. CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN IF IN DOUBT. NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR MEDICAL ADVICE. DO NOT LISTEN WHILE DRIVING OR OPERATING MACHINERY. I love miracles. i love money miracles. I love that miracles happen to me. I love that money miracles happen to me. Money miracles are now happening to me. Money miracles are now happening to me all the time. Money miracles are now coming to me all the time. Ample amounts of money is flowing into my life now. I expect lavish miracles and blessings to unfold in my life today I deserve the best and accept it now. Ten thousand dollars now comes to me in God’s own way, for my personal use, and I use it wisely. All the money I spend and earn brings me joy. I am open to miracles in my life. I am open to love. I am open to transformation. I am open to the best year of my life. I am harvesting health, peace and joy. I feel lucky, I feel fortunate, I feel blessed. I ease into serendipitous flow. I manifest a glorious life. I deserve happiness. I am worth the goodness that is overflowing in my life. I receive health, wealth and all my dreams coming true. I am in a new skin. I am stepping into the life that I am made for. I am ready to receive the miracles awaiting me. I am ready for smile after smile. I am immersed in life’s love. I am basking in lasting happiness. I welcome the miracles. I love having money in my life. I love having money and that it gives me the freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want. I am so happy and grateful when money come into my life. I am so happy and grateful when miracles happen to me. Millions of Dollars are universally attracted to me and my bank account is very thankful. I am open to best things in life. Today is the day of my amazing good fortune. I accept all the joy and prosperity life has to offer. All my money is energy awaiting my command to create good in my life. All my money is working for me to increase my abundance, joy, and aliveness. All the money I spend enriches society and comes back to me multiplied. As I feel good about money, money must come. Attracting money is fun if I relax and allow it. Every day I am receiving more and more money. Financial resources are lining up for me now. Feeling joyful is a great way to attract money. I am now earning a lot of money. I am a money magnet. I am financially independent and free. I am increasingly magnetic to money, prosperity, and abundance. I am open to receive. I am prosperous, money flows to me from many sources. I am comfortable having large sums of money I always have more than enough money to meet my needs. I always have more money coming in than going out. I always earning more money than what I spend. I always have more than enough money. I always choose to focus on abundance. I always have more than enough money to pay my bills. I always have great practical ideas for making money. I align with receiving money when I feel good. I appreciate money for things it can provide. I believe that money is flowing to me now. I can feel more money flowing to me easily. I create money and abundance through joy, aliveness, and self-love. I constantly do everything necessary to establish a positive flow of money in my life I choose to feel good about money now. I can feel my bank account being full of money. I deserve to have plenty of money. I forgive any and all debt owed to me, therefore my thoughts are now completely on abundance. I feel joy knowing I am secure with the money in my bank account. I feel good about all the money I spend. I find new and varied sources to increase my wealth and prosperity. I forgive any and all debt owed to me, therefore my thoughts are now completely on abundance. I give thanks for a quick and substantial increase in my financial income now. I give myself permission to be as rich as I want. I have more than enough money to fulfill all of my needs and desires. I have a large, steady, dependable, permanent financial income now. I have unlimited abundance. I receive unlimited money miracles. I invite more money to come to me daily. I know that financial well-being is my right. I love feeling as if I have plenty of money.
8 سال پیش در تاریخ 1395/03/08 منتشر شده است.
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