Jesus speaks about DNA and possible Kinship with Him, Mary or King David ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus

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The Lord speaks about DNA & Possible Kinship with Jesus, Mary or King David

January 25, 2018 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... "My dear ones, there are many secrets in your ancestry. Your heart, and what makes up many of your desires, has its roots there. If you have a fire in your soul and gentleness in your heart that seeks to relieve the suffering of man, the chances are good that somewhere in your past is lineage related to My mother's family — and even further back to King David."

"This predisposition to goodness is a distinguishing mark of My presence in you now, but long before you were born again, if this existed in your hearts, it is another sign that somewhere in your DNA you are related to Mine."

"The problems come in when the contaminated side of your family takes precedence over the loving side. You may not see or understand any of this by just looking over your genealogy, but it is there, buried and indelibly printed in your heart. You want to live to do good. That should tell you much about your origins."

"In every soul, there is good and bad; it is up to them to decide which they want to give life to. And there are seasons that souls go through where they ‘experiment’ as it were, to see if a different path will bring them fulfillment."

“But the ones who trace back to My family will be solely preoccupied with doing good for one another. There are no tests as yet to prove who you are, but there will be. Nevertheless, it is I who call and empower; it is you who responds. The basic DNA is there, but also are the more negative DNA influences. It is up to you, My dear ones, to always choose the better part.

“You may have experienced genetic memory when you are drawn to the Middle East and Jerusalem and the Holy Land.”

(Clare) Wow Lord! My heart ached very much tonight for Israel and the Jews who still will not hear of You. Oh, my heart breaks when I think of the many who will not even consider the prophecies that are SOLID proof of who You are. Especially when I hear of people looking for the Messiah in David’s blood line, thinking he is alive now and hiding. Oh, how treacherous that could prove to be.

(Jesus) “Do not worry, My Love. I am fully able to prove to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, although it will cause an uproar."

(Clare) But Lord, they already know through the prophet Yitzak Kaduri, who died at 108 and spent his last years in visionary experiences with You... right?

(Jesus) "Indeed, but what one knows with his intellect and what one is willing to believe in his heart are two separate issues. This stubbornness goes deep, very deep."

"Clare, My salvation will not be hidden. It will come to the Light, My Beloved, it will."

"Dear ones, the ache in your heart for this is yet another sign to you of your predestination."

"I am sharing this with you, because I want you to live up to who you are, in Me. First and foremost, you are children of the Great King. And then you have roots that would shock you. You are not orphans. If your dreams and desires are not of this world but of the world to come — which I have called all who care to be a part of, to participate in — you are of the Family of God. I want you to understand that there are no mistakes when I call a soul. I know fully well who each and every one of you are and what you are capable of with My anointing. And it is so much more than what you are doing."

"There are so many aspects of your lives that are not worth your attention—and I am calling you to detach from those. Deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Me. You are very special to Me, very special. I have gone through great lengths to communicate that to you. Live up to that, My Children, My Brides, live up to that."

7 سال پیش در تاریخ 1396/11/16 منتشر شده است.
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