L' Internationale Anti-révisionniste - The Anti-Revisionist Internationale

8.5 هزار بار بازدید - 2 سال پیش - This is the “anti-revisionist version”
This is the “anti-revisionist version” of the Internationale prepared by the PCMLF (Parti Communiste Marxiste-Leniniste de France) on January 2, 1968. It is made of three couplets from Pottier's original version (1, 2 and 6) plus the “anti-revisionist verse” specially added and sung in the 4th position.

Ouvre bien les yeux, camarade,
Et vois où sont les renégats.
Sors du brouillard de cette rade
Rejoints tes frères de combat.
Crie : À bas le révisionnisme !
À bas les mystificateurs !
Vive le marxisme-léninisme,
Notre idéal libérateur !

Open your eyes wide, comrade,
And look, where the renegades are.
Get out of the mist of this bay
And join your brothers in struggle.
Shout: Down with revisionism!
Down with all mystifiers!
Long live Marxism-Leninism,
Our ideal of liberation!
2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1401/02/28 منتشر شده است.
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