How to Keep Your Man From Cheating (FOREVER)

Amy North
Amy North
67.8 هزار بار بازدید - 8 سال پیش - - How to Keep Your Man From Cheating (Prevent Infidelity) Hollywood likes to dazzle up the idea of infidelity for one simple reason: sex sells. However, unlike what we see on the big screen, cheating can happen in any relationship, and it’s impact lasts much longer than a 90 minute movie. Sometimes affairs are for love, and other times, it’s really just about the sex. Some couples stay together after cheating, but others can’t handle the situation and call it quits. While there is no one reason for why a partner cheats, knowing how to prevent it from happening does help. So, if you’re interested in learning how to keep your man faithful then keep watching because I’m about to share with you some proven tips that can keep your relationship on the right track. Before I do though, I just want to quickly say that if you enjoy this video and would like to learn more dating tips for women then subscribe to my YouTube channel. I promise to keep putting out awesome dating advice videos so you don’t want to miss out! Now, let’s get started. 1. Have Open Communication To keep your man faithful it’s important that you talk to one another, honestly and openly. Now, this doesn’t mean the typical “How was your day?” and “What would you like to do this weekend?” but rather talk about your feelings, expectations, desires, dislikes, the whole works. Giving your man an outlet where he can vent, free of judgement is a great way to keep him faithful because it gives him something that no one else can. Since men tend to hold in their emotions much more than women, being the person he can confide in makes you an important part of this life, one that he wouldn’t risk losing over an affair. 2. Set Standards This one may seem a bit strange, but having a talk with your guy about what he considers cheating is a great way to prevent it. Now you may be thinking, “But Amy, isn’t it pretty obvious what cheating is?” Well, believe it or not, that’s not always the case. What one person classifies as cheating another may think is just playful or foolish behaviour. Trust me, there are a lot of grey areas that unless talked about, couples can’t establish what’s fair game. For example, flirting, kissing, porn, giving out your number… the list goes on and goes. Make time to set some standards and you’ll have much less to worry about.
8 سال پیش در تاریخ 1395/05/29 منتشر شده است.
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