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426 بار بازدید - ماه قبل - The correct method of filling
The correct method of filling and creaming a cream cake with bananas and walnuts in the confectionery method

Cream cake with bananas and walnuts - simple cream birthday cake

3.5 kg cake for 20-25 people
20 cm cake mold
1 kilo pastry cream for filling and cover cake
Confectionery cream for creaming (green color) 500-700 grams (depending on the thickness of the cream layer as desired)
3 large bananas for filling
60 grams of walnuts per layer
Milk to moisten the cake
Fondant dough for flowers on the cake.

Ingredients for sponge cake:
6 eggs
Vanilla 1/2 tsp
Sugar 300 grams  
Boiling water 6 tbsp
80 grams of vegeteble oil
360 grams of flour
Baking powder 1 tbsp
160 grams of milk

whisk eggs, sugar and vanilla with a mixer until it becomes creamy and smooth, turn off the mixer and add boiling water, put the mixer on low and add liquid oil little by little, then flour and baking powder and milk on it, mix it.
I pour in 2 size 20 cm molds or one size 25 cm mold.
The oven is already heated

Cake baking time is 45-55 minutes
Gas oven temperature 180 degrees
160 degrees electric oven
(I cooked it in a toaster oven at a temperature of 175 degrees Celsius)
, check with a wooden skewer after 40 minutes)
ماه قبل در تاریخ 1403/03/06 منتشر شده است.
426 بـار بازدید شده
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