Отшельник Карп Лыков. Виноват ли он в смерти членов семьи Лыковых

146.2 هزار بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - The first time I visited
The first time I visited the Lykov family of Old Believers, who had lived for many years in the remote Sayan taiga in complete isolation from people, in October 1980. In extremely difficult conditions, almost with "bare hands", they withstood and survived. Life has put on a cruel, but very interesting from many points of view, experiment, which once again confirmed the enormous capabilities and reserves of the human body and spirit. At that time, the Lykov family consisted of five people. Three years have passed. From Peskov's publications in Komsomolskaya Pravda, the whole world learned about the unusual and largely tragic fate of this family. Many changes have taken place in their lives in recent years. The saddest thing is that three of the Lykovs (Dmitry, Savvin and Natalya) quickly, one after the other, died. What happened? From what? How to save the lives of the rest of the Lykovs? These and many other questions worried thousands of people. And so we again go to the Lykovs, to the remote Sayan corner - "taiga dead end", as Vasily Peskov called this place not very well.
Our second stay with the Lykovs was longer than the first in 1980. It was two weeks - from 17 to 30 August 1983. Some of the impressions from this and subsequent expeditions are described in the notes I made along the way.
August 13, 1983 We left by train from Krasnoyarsk to the city of Abakan. The composition of the expedition: writer Lev Stepanovich Cherepanov (our leader), artist Elvira Viktorovna Motakova, doctor Nikolai Mikhailovich Gudyma and author of these notes On the train, the conversation kept returning to the Lykovs, and Lev Stepanovich and I, who had already visited them in 1980, have to answer many questions from our comrades. Nikolai Mikhailovich, as a doctor, was primarily interested in medical problems. I remember that at that time I was very surprised by the fact that the Lykovs did not use table salt in their diet. But it is known that sodium chloride takes an active part in life support, and its lack can lead to severe changes in the body, up to mental disorders, loss of consciousness, acute cardiovascular failure and human death.
The Lykovs 'medical examination last time was hampered by our short stay with them (two days) and, of course, by the fact that their faith (Old Believers') sharply limits contact with "worldly" people. Therefore, those research methods that are usually used by doctors (palpation, percussion, auscultation, not to mention instrumental methods and taking blood and urine tests) were not applicable in this setting. I had to confine myself to a purely external perception and anamnesis (history of life and illness). At that time the Lykov family consisted of five people: father - Karp Osipovich, 84 years old; sons - Savvin, 55 years old; Dmitry, 44 years old, and daughters - Natalya, 50 years old and Agafya, 39 years old. This age was recorded by me from the words of the Lykovs themselves. In appearance, they all looked 10-15 years younger. Everyone's height is below average: the tallest is Karp Osipovich (approximately 156-158 cm), the lowest is Agafya (148-149 cm).
The physique is correct, proportional, no congenital and acquired deformities and defects were determined. Rapid mobility and increased elasticity of movements of all Lykovs (as gymnasts or acrobats) were noted. For example, Karp Osipovich, at his advanced age, freely took out a fallen object from the ground, without bending his knees. Everyone's gait is free, relaxed, somewhat (especially for daughters) mincing: probably this way it is easier to walk in the mountains among which they live. There were no clinical signs of hyponatremia (low sodium), which could be assumed given the absence of table salt in the diet. The front teeth of all Lykovs were preserved, on them there was the deposition of stones (they did not have the habit of brushing their teeth).
#the hermit
4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/08/22 منتشر شده است.
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