07 大寶法王渣男真面目之三:剪不斷理還亂四處劈腿

Jane Huang
Jane Huang
12.4 هزار بار بازدید - 5 سال پیش - 噶瑪巴渣男真面目之三:2018年8月30日鄔幸兒與噶瑪巴以Line通訊,對話中鄔幸兒要求噶瑪巴不要與其它女生發生性關係,然而噶瑪巴一再支吾其辭,閃躲問題,不肯正面答應,只哄騙鄔幸兒「等我回來,見了面再說」,「我明天路上打給你」。事實上隔天噶瑪巴在旅途中根本沒有致電鄔幸兒,反而在8月31日噶瑪巴以Skype跟Jane Huang通了54分鐘的電話,不斷糾纏Jane Huang至美國或加拿大見面,否則「不知道要到猴年馬月才能再見了」,但卻慘遭Jane Huang拒絕。噶瑪巴長期以來將女生視為玩物,忙錄於安排不同的女生輪流排班與他發生性關係。往往一女前腳離去,另一女後腳即至,天天撩妹行程滿檔。噶瑪巴傳法的法會閒暇時間,就是不停與女友於酒店約會及性愛。每晚在網路上,更是要與三、四人以各種社群軟體傳訊和講色情電話。噶瑪巴戴著法王道貌岸然的面具,真面目卻是一個性成癮的大渣男。The Karmpa's
2018年8月30日鄔幸兒與噶瑪巴以Line通訊,對話中鄔幸兒要求噶瑪巴不要與其它女生發生性關係,然而噶瑪巴一再支吾其辭,閃躲問題,不肯正面答應,只哄騙鄔幸兒「等我回來,見了面再說」,「我明天路上打給你」。事實上隔天噶瑪巴在旅途中根本沒有致電鄔幸兒,反而在8月31日噶瑪巴以Skype跟Jane Huang通了54分鐘的電話,不斷糾纏Jane Huang至美國或加拿大見面,否則「不知道要到猴年馬月才能再見了」,但卻慘遭Jane Huang拒絕。噶瑪巴長期以來將女生視為玩物,忙錄於安排不同的女生輪流排班與他發生性關係。往往一女前腳離去,另一女後腳即至,天天撩妹行程滿檔。噶瑪巴傳法的法會閒暇時間,就是不停與女友於酒店約會及性愛。每晚在網路上,更是要與三、四人以各種社群軟體傳訊和講色情電話。噶瑪巴戴著法王道貌岸然的面具,真面目卻是一個性成癮的大渣男。
The Karmpa's True Face of a Deadbeat Boyfriend
Episode Three
On August 30th 2018 Wu Hang Yee messaged with the Karmapa on Line app in which she asked him not to have sex with other women, yet the Karmapa prevaricated and dodged, not willing to answer her requests directly. He only lied to her that, “Wait until I come back. Let’s talk about it when we meet.” and “I’ll call you on the road tomorrow.” But the Karmapa didn’t call her at all. In fact the next day on August 31st, the Karmapa called Jane Huang on Skype and talked to her for 54 minutes, badgering her to meet him in America or Canada, saying "otherwise I don’t know when on the earth we would meet each other in the future.” But he was turned down by Jane Huang ruthlessly. The Karmapa has been taking women as sex toys and busy with making schedules dating and having sex with them on the shift. It’s always like when one girl left, the other one came immediately and seamlessly. His schedule of hit on girls was awfully full and demanding. The Karmapa dated and had sex with girls endlessly during the break of his Dharma teachings everywhere. Other than that, he talked to girls and had cybersex with them every night on the internet with various kinds of social app. The Karmapa wore a decent and serious mask of “His Holiness”, but his true face is a deadbeat boyfriend with serious sexual addiction.

鄔幸兒部落格 Wu Hang Yee's blog: https://karmaparapesbydeception.blogs...
鄔幸兒youtube頻道:  @hangyeewu1319
5 سال پیش در تاریخ 1398/01/23 منتشر شده است.
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