Deploy Flask App on PythonAnywhere With/Without Git & GitHub | FREE | HINDI 2021

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5.5 هزار بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - Deploy Flask App on PythonAnywhere
Deploy Flask App on PythonAnywhere With/Without Git & GitHub | FREE | HINDI 2021

Here in this video we will gonna cover from What is Git and GitHub to Deploying/Hosting a Flask Web App on PythonAnywhere using Git and GitHub and also will be covering how to deploy WITHOUT using Git and that also for FREE.
We will start with Git and Git commands, then pushing our code from out local machines to our GitHub account. After that is done, we will use PythonAnywhere to host our web app. So, first we will create a free hosting account on and then cloning our GitHub code which we pushed from local machine.
We will also see how with the help of just drag and drop we can achieve this and not using Git commands or GitHub.

✅Time Stamps:
00:00 - Intro & Index
02:21 - What is Git?
06:23 - What is GitHub?
07:20 - Git & GitHub - Difference
08:12 - Exploring GitHub
10:21 - Using Git Commands (Deploy)
23:02 - Using PythonAnywhere (with Git)
44:36 - Deploying Without Git & GitHub


✅ Content Creator: ARSHDEEP SINGH : -
   ✔ LinkedIn: LinkedIn: arshdeep-singh123
   ✔ Instagram: Instagram: arshdeep_singh2267

✅ Video Editor: DIPTANSHU MANN :-
   ✔ LinkedIn: LinkedIn: diptanshumann

✅ End to End Instagram :-  
✔ Instagram: Instagram: endtoend91

You will learn :
How to have Free Hosting
Free hosting for web apps
free hosting on pythonanywhere
How to deploy Flask App
How to deploy flask web app
web app flask free deploy
heroku deploy
how to deploy flask app heroku
how to deploy flask app pythonanywhere
how to deploy django app for free
how to deploy flask project

Please Ignore these tags:
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3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/09/06 منتشر شده است.
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