驚人!噶瑪巴指示釋妙融誤導輿論來視聽掩蓋醜聞!The Karmapa asked Shi Miao Ron mislead the public opinion on the sex scandal!

Jane Huang
Jane Huang
3.2 هزار بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - Update1023更新版熊仁謙出示的另一批釋妙融的微信對話中,則顯示所謂噶瑪巴的帳號(「第一寶藏」)和釋妙融說,「她幻想的」,釋妙融則回答,「那就好辦了。」以及「我們不會正面回應,但是可以引導輿論方向。」釋妙融清楚告知熊仁謙「我認識她,她也一起來Gaya」,卻在語音中商量如何對外稱「我們就說不認識她,不知道有這個人。就像明星的經紀公司一樣處理就好。」「我得跟化育的人講清楚,免得有些人嘴比較笨。」這些驚人的對話和語音內容,被熊仁謙認為是寶貴的求證證據、可以證明吹哨者就是精神病患,而他按照上師指示去廣宣爆料者是精神病,因此他製作懶人包無罪。這些證據和對話過程,難道沒有驚呆了台灣高等法院的法官們嗎?盲信宗教信條和欠缺法治素養,竟然可以讓這些身為「上師」的西藏佛教喇嘛都無知至此嗎? The other batch of
熊仁謙出示的另一批釋妙融的微信對話中,則顯示所謂噶瑪巴的帳號(「第一寶藏」)和釋妙融說,「她幻想的」,釋妙融則回答,「那就好辦了。」以及「我們不會正面回應,但是可以引導輿論方向。」釋妙融清楚告知熊仁謙「我認識她,她也一起來Gaya」,卻在語音中商量如何對外稱「我們就說不認識她,不知道有這個人。就像明星的經紀公司一樣處理就好。」「我得跟化育的人講清楚,免得有些人嘴比較笨。」這些驚人的對話和語音內容,被熊仁謙認為是寶貴的求證證據、可以證明吹哨者就是精神病患,而他按照上師指示去廣宣爆料者是精神病,因此他製作懶人包無罪。這些證據和對話過程,難道沒有驚呆了台灣高等法院的法官們嗎?盲信宗教信條和欠缺法治素養,竟然可以讓這些身為「上師」的西藏佛教喇嘛都無知至此嗎? The other batch of messages presented by Lodro Rinchen were his wechat messages with Shi Miao Ron, who is the Karmapa’s translator and the CEO of Hwa-Yue Foundation, the main organization of the Karmapa’s education courses and Monlam host unit in Taiwan. In those messages, Shi Miao Ron forwarded Lodro Rinchen that a person nicknamed “First Treasure”, whom they proclaimed was the 17th Karmapa himself. This First Treasure telling Miao Ron that, “She is just imagining.” And Miao Ron then replies, “If so, it is easy to deal with (the news).” And that, “We will not response to the news coverage but we can try to influence and mislead the public’s opinion.” "Miao Ron then told Lodro Rinchen that " We just say that we don't know her and have no idea about this thing, just like an agency in the entertaining industry." Such horrifying conversations were taken as firm evidences for Lodro Richen to submit to the court, trying to convince the judge that Jane Huang was indeed a mental patient. Just because the evidences are basically based on “because his guru said so,” and therefore his behavior to spread the misinformation with stickers for dummies is not guilty but legit. How ignorant these gurus and lamas and staff could be regarding the legal common sense?

HH the 17th Karmapa -- Support the Re... (hwa-yue channel)
海濤法師與 明就仁波切智慧座談(妙融法師翻譯) (tergar taiwan)

update: Karmapa's side removed the videos below immediately!! they are afraid of being verified.
鏡週刊 鏡爆社會》【法王桃花劫】破戒交女友? 大寶法王開示回應了! (this one being removed)
海濤法師與 明就仁波切智慧座談(妙融法師翻譯) (this one being removed)
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/07/30 منتشر شده است.
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