The Inaugural Flight That Ended Up Crashing | The Crash Of Bhoja Air 213

Mini Air Crash Investigation
Mini Air Crash Investigation
176.5 هزار بار بازدید - 2 سال پیش - Donations are never expected but
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This is the story of Bhoja air flight 213. On the 20th of april 2012 Bhoja air was gearing up for something big, their 737-200 was scheduled to fly from karachi to islamabad. The domestic flight was special for Bhoja air as it was the inaugural evening flight for the airline on this sector in more than a decade 12 years to be precise. Honestly i am surprised that they went 12 years without an evening flight. But on that april evening all of that changed. The 737 lifted off from karachi at 5:05 pm local time. As the plane climbed to 31,000 feet all the systems on the plane looked great the plane was in tip top shape and nothing looked out of the ordinary for this flight. At 6:08 pm the pilots tuned into the lahore ATIS or the automatic terminal information service. The ATIS is this automated broadcast that is sent out from an airport to update pilots about important things in the area, like in this case weather. It wasnt the best weather ahead of them. The captain goes on the PA system to let everyone know about the weather ahead of them he says ““It will be cloudy weather and thundery activity is also there and let’s see.when we reach there may be it would be raining anyway God willing after some time we will see Lahore on our right”. At this point the pilots got to know that the landing at islamabad might not go ahead as planned so the pilots got to talking about alternatives to land at, they talked about the possibility of diverting to lahore, but that might not be possible, as they found out that lahore had a sandstorm  warning until 8:30 pm. Ontop of that the winds at lahore were coming in from a weird direction that the captain was not used to. As the pilots were discussing alternative airports to land at the captain randomly started singing a song. In the cockpit the alternative airport was going in concert with the captains song. The first officer asked “Sir should I take Peshawar weather” to which the captain replies “no, god will help us”. As the plane streaked towards islamabad the captain saw the weather get worse right before his eyes. As they started the descent the pilots turned on the seat belt signs. At this point the plane was in a race with the weather, a line of weather was starting form in front of them and the pilots wanted to be on the other side of that line before it became like a wall of rain. What they had ahead of them was known as a squall line, which is basically a line of thunderstorms and most pilots knew to avoid a squall line. As they punched through the turbulence the pilots sped up to 280 knots to smoothen out the bumpy ride. At this point they knew that they would have to push through the weather, no matter what they did but the captain was adamant to land at islamabad. Soon after that the pilots got in contact with islamabad approach, they wanted to know if there was a break in the squall line. If a break in the weather existed then they would be able to punch though and land at islamabad. The pilots of flight 213 were in luck. The controller said “I am observing some kind of gap (ah) between radial 160 to radial 220”. The captain had a decision to make either divert or thread the line between two  thunderstorms. He chose the latter, he was gonna go for it. The controller started to give the pilots the vectors to go through the storm and to line up with runway 36.
As the plane was being battered by bad turbulence, the first officer wanted the captain to divert but the captain just said “no no we don’t have to go there, we have to land here”. He had made up his mind, this plane was gonna land at islamabad. As the initial bout of weather subsided, the captain started to relax a bit and he started chatting with the air traffic control and he also joked with the first officer. As the 737 got down to 5500 feet, the pilots started to receive signals from the ILS on the ground. They were so close to landing and the pilots began their descent down to the runway.  The pilots got a weather report from Islamabad and they acknowledged they were going to go ahead with this landing. The squall line was still 10-15 miles away from the plane. The pilots knew that they were cutting it close, they said “so...we are likely to get very
close to it”. They were playing a dangerous game and they knew it. As the plane got closer to the airport it entered a cloud bank and it was battered by heavy rains. As they pushed deeper into the weather system the cockpit grew dark. In the cockpit the an alarm was heard as the plane breached 2500 feet of altitude above the ground.  As they made their final turn towards to the runway. The captain turned off the autopilot and joked “what have i done?”. As the captain kept the plane under control they prepped the plane for landing, the flaps came out and the pilots made some adjustments to make sure that the plane was lined
2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1401/04/18 منتشر شده است.
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