PLA 3D Printing Filament | The Basics

35 هزار بار بازدید - 8 سال پیش - To purchase PLA 3D printing
To purchase PLA 3D printing material for your 3D Printer visit

PLA or Polylactic acid is a bio-derived thermoplastic used quite often in 3D Printing. It is often said to be consistent and reliable and based on quite a few research studies is safer to use in unventilated areas. It’s guaranteed to have no heavy metals phthalates, or BPA.

It does not require any special conditions to work with, but blue painter's tape is recommend on your build plate when using PLA. It promotes adhesion and limits warping. Details such as sharp corners and edges print well and PLA printed objects will generally have a glossier look and feel.
8 سال پیش در تاریخ 1394/11/21 منتشر شده است.
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