Yoga Vasistha Sara 5.13-16 - In agitated mind the world looks like a forest fire

117 بار بازدید - 4 ماه پیش - देहोऽहमिति धीस्त्याज्या सर्वनाशेऽप्युपस्थिते । स्प्रष्टव्या
देहोऽहमिति धीस्त्याज्या सर्वनाशेऽप्युपस्थिते । स्प्रष्टव्या सा न भव्येन सश्वमांसेव पुल्कसी ॥5.13॥ The concept of "I am the body" should be totally rejected, even if one faces, a complete ruin, just like an outcast, carrying dog flesh in her hand, is untouchable. ब्रह्मैकम् भावयन् साधुः शान्तस्तिष्ठन् गतव्यथः । ततस्तेऽसावहंभावः स्वयमेव विनश्यति ॥5.14॥ When the holy-man sitting calmly, without any affliction, contemplates that there is one Brahman alone, then his ego or that i-ness, perishes on its own. सर्वत्रैक्यावबोधेन स्वस्थोऽन्तः शीतलः सदा । निरहंकृतिराकाशविशदस्तेन संस्थितः ॥5.15॥ By experiencing the oneness of Brahman, all the times and everywhere, when a seeker remains, cool in the mind and Self abiding, then he attains the stainless state, like the sky. अन्तःशीतलतायां हि लब्धायां शीतलं जगत् । अन्तस्तापोपतप्तानां दावदाहमयं जगत् ॥5.16॥ When's the mind becomes peaceful, then the whole world seems to be peaceful; but, when the mind gets agitated, the whole world seems to be, surrounded by a forest-fire. Vairagya-Satakam 7 says: भोगा न भुक्ता वयमेव भुक्ता, तपो न तप्तं वयमेव तप्ताः । कालो न यातो वयमेव याता, तृष्णा न जीर्णा वयमेव जीर्णाः ॥ We did not enjoy; rather we have become, engrossed in severe anxiety, associated with the achievement of those enjoyments. We have not performed austerities, like fasting, pious observances, and the like; rather we have been suffering from miseries, being scorched by various afflictions. We did not spend our time, in holy company and the like; rather we only have been, devoured by time. Thirst or longing for sense objects, did not become feeble; rather we have become, old and weak in our limbs, due to the thirst after desires. At the time of enjoyment, we think, "we are enjoying, we are happy." However, we see that, we are being driven by the desires, to enjoy more, and those enjoyments, have taken possession of us. We perform austerities, so that we will get happiness, but at the end, we observe that, we want to do more austerities, in the hope of receiving greater happiness; the austerities have dominated us, and have become the cause of our suffering. Normally we say, "Time is flying." In reality, we find at the end, while watching the course of time, that we have only become old and that old age has, devoured us. We think that, while fulfilling desires in that way, we are destroying the latent impressions; at the end we discover that, the desires did not decay at all, instead, they are growing stronger, and we only, have become worn out. Vairāgya-śatakam, 8 says: वलिभिर्मुखमाक्रान्तं पलितेनाङ्कितः शिरः । गात्राणि शिथिलायन्ते तृष्णैका तरुनायते ॥ My facial skin has become wrinkled, due to infirmities of old age, the hairs of my head, have turned grey, all my limbs have become weak; but alas! Still the thirst for sense enjoyments, only increases more and more.
4 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1403/03/07 منتشر شده است.
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