Five Animal Play, the 13 form styles passed down in Bozhou, Anhui Province of China

Taoist Yoga
Taoist Yoga
141 بار بازدید - 7 ماه پیش - The traditional Qigong Huatuo Five
The traditional Qigong Huatuo Five Animal Play thirteen form styles passed down in Bozhou, Anhui Province. The Five Animal Play is also called Wuqinxi in Chinese pronunciation. Wuqinxi is a medical practice created by the divine physician Hua Tuo in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, based on the previous guidance techniques and combined with the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine, including the principles of yin and yang, five organs, visceral phenomena, meridians, and blood flow. It imitates the living habits and expressions of five animals, namely tigers, dragons, bears, apes, and birds, and has a history of over 1800 years. Regular exercise in Wuqinxi can strengthen the body, improve immune function, and have the function of treating and preventing diseases. It is one of the best ways to prevent diseases in traditional Chinese medicine.

The 13th style of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage "Traditional Huatuo Wuqinxi" is called Simplified Huatuo Wuqinxi or Simplified Wuqinxi. According to different footwork, it can be divided into in-situ practice method and moving step practice method. Practitioners can choose different practice methods according to the venue. The simple five animal play is a routine of learning the five animal play of Hua Tuo, and it absorbs the essence of the action of the traditional five animal play of Hua Tuo. Although there are many fewer movements compared with the 26 and 54 movements of the traditional five animal play of Hua Tuo, it still has the obvious characteristics of the traditional five animal play of Hua Tuo. It still belongs to the movement skill, a pictographic routine, and has the same effect on the exercise of the body.

The Five Animal Play routine focuses on soothing movements, with more softness and less rigidity, and relaxing tendons. It mainly involves practicing the five organs and six viscera to facilitate internal circulation and prevent illness. The movements are high in difficulty, easy to learn, safe and reliable, and can be practiced by both men and women of all ages. They are highly popular among martial arts enthusias。

安徽省亳州流傳的傳統氣功華佗五禽戲十三式。 五禽戲是東漢末年神醫華佗在前⼈導引術的基礎上,結合中醫學基礎理論的陰陽、五⾏、髒象、經絡、⽓⾎運⾏的原理,模仿虎、⿅、熊、猿、鳥五種動物⽣活習性和神態創編的養⽣醫療功法,距今已有1800多年的歷史。 經常鍛煉五禽戲能强⾝健體、提⾼⼈體免疫能⼒、具有治病防病的作⽤,是中醫“治未病”最好的⽅式之⼀。

國家級⾮物質⽂化遺產《傳統華佗五禽戲》13式⼜稱簡易華佗五禽戲、簡體五禽戲,根據步法不同,⼜分為原地練習法和活步練習法,練習者可根據場地選擇不同的練法。 簡易五禽戲是學習華佗五禽戲的⼊門套路,是吸收傳統華佗五禽戲的動作精華,雖然與傳統華佗五禽戲26式、54式相⽐,運動的招式少了許多,但仍具有傳統華佗五禽戲的明顯特徵,仍屬於動⽓功,屬象形套路,練形取意,對鍛煉⾝體來說具有同樣的功效。

五禽戲套路在動作上以舒緩為主,柔多剛少,松柔筋⾻,主要是練五臟六腑,以利⽓⾎貫通,病不得⽣。 動作難度⼩,簡便易學,安全可靠,不分男⼥⽼少皆可練習,深受⼴⼤⽓功愛好者歡迎。 五禽戲中醫是導引養⽣術,模仿猛虎猛撲呼嘯、⼩⿅愉快飛奔、熊的慢步⾏⾛、猿猴左右跳躍、鳥⼉展翅飛翔等動作,通過這⼀系列的運作,活動腰肢關節,壯腰健腎,疏肝健脾,補益⼼肺,清利頭⽬,增强⼼肺功能,促進⾝體貭素的提⾼,簡便易學,故不論男⼥⽼幼均可選練, 體弱者可選擇適合⾃⼰動作學習,待體質逐漸增强後再練全套動作。 五禽戲不僅具强⾝延年之功,還有祛疾除病之效,每戲都具有不同的健⾝祛病作⽤。
7 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/09/29 منتشر شده است.
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