23 هزار بار بازدید - 5 سال پیش - ANTI-MALARIAL DRUG CLASSIFICATION PHARMACOLOGY Antimalarial
ANTI-MALARIAL DRUG CLASSIFICATION PHARMACOLOGY Antimalarial medications, also known as antimalarials, are designed to prevent or cure malaria. Malaria is caused by parasites belonging to the genus Plasmodium. Four main species infect humans: P. vivax, P. falciparum, P. ovale and P. malariae. LIFE CYCLE OF MALARIA 1. Hepatic (Pre erythrocytic) stages -parasites localize in liver -patient is asymptomatic 2. Erythrocytic stages -parasite invade RBCs -patient develops fever cycle 3. Development of sexual forms -occurs in Anopheles mosquitos ANTIMALARIAL DRUGS 1. 4-Aminoquinolines : Chloroquine, Amodiaquine, Piperaquine. 2. Quinoline-methanol : Mefloquine. 3. Cinchona alkaloid : Quinine, Quinidine. 4. Biguanide : Proguanil (Chloroguanide), Chlorproguanil. 5. Diaminopyrimidine : Pyrimethamine. 6. 8-Aminoquinolines : Primaquine, Bulaquine. 7. Sulfonamides and sulfone : Sulfadoxine, Sulfametho-pyrazine, Dapsone. 8. Tetracyclines : Tetracycline, Doxycycline. 9. Sesquiterpine lactones : Artesunate, Artemether, Arteether. 10. Amino alcohols : Halofantrine, Lumefantrine. 11. Mannich base : Pyronaridine 12. Naphthoquinone : Atovaquone. Drugs used in malaria • Tissue schizontocides- drugs eliminating developing or dormant liver forms • Blood schizontocides- drugs acting on erythrocytic parasites • Gametocides- drugs that kill sexual stages and prevent transmission to mosquitoes Causal prophylaxis Drugs prevent the maturation of or destroy the sporozoites within the infected hepatic cell- thus prevent erythrocytic invasion Primaquine –for all species of malaria but not used due to its toxic potential Proguanil- primarily for P. falciparum and not effective against P. vivax (weak activity), rapid development of resistance Suppressive prophylaxis Schizontocides inhibit erythrocyte phase and prevent the rupture of the infected erythrocytes, lead to freedom from rigors and pyrexia Includes quinine, chloroquine, proguanil, pyrimethamine, artemicinin and tetracycline Clinical cure Erythrocytic schizontocides are used to terminate episodes of malarial fever Radical cure Drug attack exoerythrocytic stage (hypnozoites) given with clinical curative for the total eradication of the parasite from the patient’s body Radical cure of the P. falciparum malaria can be achieved by suppressives only For radical cure of P.vivax infection, primaquine and proguanil are effective Gametocial Removal of male and female gametes of Plasmodia formed in the patient’s blood It has no benefit for treated patient Primaquine and artemisinins are highly effective against gametocytes of all species 👨🏼‍🏫 THIS EXPERT LECTURE BY 👨🏼‍🏫 MR AMAR M RAVAL ASSISTANT PROFESSOR FOUNDER PHARMAROCKS PHD SCOLAR (GTU AHMEDABAD) ☎️ CONTACT: 9016312020 📱 PHARMAROCKS E-LEARNING APP 📚 STUDY MATERIAL 👨🏼‍🏫 VIDEO LECTURE 📊 TEST SERIES Available for Android and app iPhone & ipad 📱 ANDROID APP LINK 📲 APPLE iPhone LINK 📝 Org Code for iPhone = PHARMA ☎️ HELPLINE 9016312020
5 سال پیش در تاریخ 1398/08/05 منتشر شده است.
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